Demosthenes quotes:

  • The most noble title any child can have, Demosthenes wrote, is Third. -- Orson Scott Card
  • Pythias once, scoffing at Demosthenes, said that his arguments smelt of the lamp. -- Plutarch
  • Plato is never sullen, Cervantes is never petulant, Demosthenes never comes unseasonably, Dante never stays too long. -- Nathaniel Parker
  • Demosthenes overcame and rendered more distinct his inarticulate and stammering pronunciation by speaking with pebbles in his mouth. -- Plutarch
  • When Demosthenes was asked what were the three most important aspects of oratory, he answered, 'Action, Action, Action.' -- Plutarch
  • If only I was as eloquent as Demosthenes, I would have to do no more than repeat a single word three times. -- Johann Georg Hamann
  • The cult of the individual is killing us. I think Twitter signals the death of western civilisation, but people have been saying that since Demosthenes. -- Kate Atkinson
  • Demosthenes told Phocion, "The Athenians will kill you some day when they once are in a rage." "And you," said he, "if they are once in their senses. -- Plutarch
  • Demosthenes, when taunted by Pytheas that all his arguments "smelled of the lamp," replied, "Yes, but your lamp and mine, my friend, do not witness the same labours. -- Plutarch
  • When Demosthenes was asked what was the first part of Oratory, he answered, "Action," and which was the second, he replied, "action," and which was the third, he still answered "Action. -- Plutarch
  • The minds of youth are perpetually led to the history of Greece and Rime or to Great Britain; Boys are constantly repeating the declamations of Demosthenes and Cicero, or debates upon some political question in the British Parliament. -- Noah Webster
  • Quoting Demosthenes, 'For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.' I would rather make money playing a piano in a whorehouse than arguing that no cost is incurred when employees are paid in stock options instead of cash. I am not kidding. -- Charlie Munger
  • Do you remember that in classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, "How well he spoke" but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, they said, "Let us march. -- Demosthenes