Democratic State quotes:

  • I grew up in a world where the social democratic state was the norm, not the exception. -- Tony Judt
  • The democratic state can sometimes abuse its power as much as those who seek to destroy it abuse fundamental rights and democratic practices. -- David Blunkett
  • The next few months are critical to Pakistan's future direction as a democratic state committed to promoting peace, fighting terrorism and working for social justice. -- Benazir Bhutto
  • Since Israel is a democratic state surrounded by essentially undemocratic states which have sworn her destruction, those interested in democracy everywhere must support Israel's existence. -- Bayard Rustin
  • On this land, Muslims, Christians and Jews can coexist together, as they have - as they had for the - for hundreds of years in the framework of a democratic state. -- Hassan Nasrallah
  • What I did in New York was bring people together, an overwhelmingly Democratic state. But I was able to get Democrats to support the most conservative sweeping policy changes in any state in America. -- George Pataki
  • The country is not a democratic state. Therefore we fear that they might carry a recorder in their pocket or there may be bugs in the walls, and you cannot be absolutely sure that you get a straight testimony. -- Hans Blix
  • The more Israel sinks into the West Bank, the more it is delegitimized and isolated, the more the world focuses on Israel's colonialism rather than Iran's nuclear enrichment, the more people call for a single democratic state in all of historic Palestine. -- Thomas Friedman
  • It was a superb agreement to end a war, but a very bad agreement to make a state. From now on, we have to part company with Dayton and try to build a modern democratic state, for which I have tried to lay the foundations. -- Paddy Ashdown
  • It is impossible to have a Jewish, democratic state and at the same time to control all of Eretz Israel. If we insist on fulfilling the dream in its entirety, we are liable to lose it all. Everything. That is where the extremist path takes us. -- Ariel Sharon
  • I think it is essential for Israel's survival as a Jewish and democratic state that we end the status quo. The preferred way to end the status quo would be on the basis of a two-state solution. We don't want the Palestinians to be citizens of Israel, nor do we want them to be subjects. -- Michael Oren
  • American is the first democratic nation-state. -- Stephen Ambrose
  • The basis of a democratic state is liberty -- Aristotle
  • So Israel won't be a democratic state, so what. -- Sheldon Adelson
  • The worst of all States is the democratic State. -- Pierre Corneille
  • You cannot have democratic accountability in anything bigger than a nation state. -- Vaclav Klaus
  • There is simply no room for anti-Semitism in a democratic and law-abiding state. -- Aleksander Kwasniewski
  • Everyone wants Russia to be a prosperous, democratic state that is fully integrated. -- Condoleezza Rice
  • We had the opposition of virtually the entire Democratic leadership in every state in this country. -- Bernie Sanders
  • If the choice is one-state, Israel can either be Jewish or Democratic. It cannot be both. -- John F. Kerry
  • There's no democratic state that's not compromised to the very core by its part in generating human misery. -- Gilles Deleuze
  • With people's revolutionary rage, the king will be ousted and a democratic state, Islamic Republic, will be established. -- Ruhollah Khomeini
  • A democratic state is not proven by the welfare of the strong but by the welfare of the weak. -- June Jordan
  • The trouble with the social-democratic state is that, when government does too much, nobody else does much of anything. -- Mark Steyn
  • The dangerous glorification of the nation state, and the baiting of minorities that goes along with it, releases an anti-democratic energy. -- Martin Schulz
  • Not only does the democratic state of mind stem from the inspiration of the Gospel, but it cannot exist without it. -- Jacques Maritain
  • Israel is a democratic state with an independent judiciary, a free press and a diverse population of many cultures, religions and creeds. -- Jonathan Sacks
  • To create a minimum standard of life below which no human being can fall is the most elementary duty of the democratic state. -- Walter Lippmann
  • Egypt now is a real civil state. It is not theocratic, it is not military. It is democratic, free, constitutional, lawful and modern. -- Mohammed Morsi
  • We must not allow the practices of an anti-democratic State that abuses the powers of government to violate the human rights of Venezuelans. -- Leopoldo Lopez
  • That's what I am standing up for - Israel's future as a Jewish and democratic state living side-by-side in peace and security with its neighbors. -- John F. Kerry
  • The state is nothing but an instrument of opression of one class by another - no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy. -- Friedrich Engels
  • For every African state, like Ghana, where democratic institutions seem secure, there is a Mali, a Cote d'Ivoire, and a Zimbabwe, where democracy is in trouble. -- Michael Ignatieff
  • Religion mustn't interfere with the state - so one of the basic Democratic principles as we know it in America is the separation of church and state. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • I had no idea of the enormous and unquestionably helpful part that humbug plays in the social life of great peoples dwelling in a state of democratic freedom. -- Winston Churchill
  • You cannot be democratic one day, and undemocratic on another. It is a state of mind, it is a way of living, and it is an essence of action. -- Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
  • We want Israel as a democratic and Jewish state. So you have to maintain a Jewish majority, and you want to do that by legal means, by democratic means. -- Benjamin Netanyahu
  • We continue to believe that a two-state solution is the only way for the long-term security of Israel, if it wants to stay both a Jewish state and democratic. -- Barack Obama
  • Although Christianity has never been the guarantee of a democratic state anywhere in the world, no democracy has ever thrived successfully for any period of time outside of Christian influence. -- Theodore White
  • If we lived in a democratic state our language would have to hurtle, fly, curse, and sing, in all the common American names, all the undeniable and representative and participating voices of everybody here. -- June Jordan