Delusions Of Grandeur quotes:

  • Delusions of grandeur make me feel a lot better about myself. -- Jane Wagner
  • Many people have delusions of grandeur but you're deluded by triviality. -- Eugene Ionesco
  • I'm trying to consciously evolve myself. I have no delusions of grandeur. -- El-P
  • What is man? He's just a collection of chemicals with delusions of grandeur. -- Ayn Rand
  • I don't have any delusions of grandeur. I just want to make music that doesn't make me bored. -- El-P
  • The United States were a 35-year-old man, I think he'd be in a mental institution. Violent tendencies - delusions of grandeur - medicate heavily. -- Rick Mercer
  • I'm not a comedian. I'm what you call a good, old-fashioned working actor who has had delusions of grandeur for my entire career and has known what I want to do. -- Chris Diamantopoulos
  • Such delusions of grandeur to think that a God with a hundred billion galaxies on his mind would give a tuppenny damn who you sleep with, or indeed whether you believe in him. -- Richard Dawkins
  • The only consistent hobby I've had is studying Spanish and French because of some delusion of grandeur to work around the world. I love sports but usually I'm looking for the next job. -- William Sanderson
  • Some are able and humane men and some are low-grade individuals with the morals of a goat, the artistic integrity of a slot machine, and the manners of a floorwalker with delusions of grandeur. -- Raymond Chandler
  • It is practically an axiom in psychiatry that precocious intellect combined with physical weakness can give rise to many unpleasant character traits - avarice, delusions of grandeur , and obsessive masturbation, to name just a few. -- Sam Savage
  • to express himself well, the artist should be hidden... The trouble is that if an artist knows he has genius, he's done for. The only salvation is to work like a labourer, and not have delusions of grandeur. -- Pierre-Auguste Renoir
  • I know when I'm bad, I know when I'm good, and I know when I'm everything in between. I don't have any delusions of grandeur or delusions of failure. In terms of my work, I've got a pretty cold honest eye. -- Bebe Neuwirth
  • I want to run for the Senate from Tennessee . Not now, but when I'm 50, when music dies down a little bit. I know lots of artists and actors have those delusions of grandeur, but ever since I was a kid, it's been of interest to me. -- Tim McGraw
  • There's a whole lot of people in trouble tonight From the disease of conceit Whole lot of people seeing double tonight From the disease of conceit Give ya delusions of grandeur And a evil eye Give you the idea that You're too good to die Then they bury you from your head to your feet From the disease of conceit -- Bob Dylan
  • Maybe science is just magic with delusions of lack of grandeur. -- Peter David