Degeneration quotes:

  • One of the main arguments that I make in my new book, 'The Great Degeneration,' is that the rule of law in the U.S. is becoming the rule of lawyers. -- Niall Ferguson
  • I've got what my ma had, macular degeneration, which you get when you get old. -- Judi Dench
  • In marriage, a man becomes slack and selfish, and undergoes a fatty degeneration of his moral being. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization. -- Georges Clemenceau
  • I think middle-age is the best time, if we can escape the fatty degeneration of the conscience which often sets in at about fifty. -- William Ralph Inge
  • In the eye, there is a type of junk that accumulates in the back of the retina that eventually causes us to go blind. It's called age-related macular degeneration. -- Aubrey de Grey
  • It is claimed, but with what truth we cannot say, that there is a well-defined propaganda among the aliens of colour to bring about the degeneration of the white race. -- Emily Murphy
  • If you look back today over the last 25 years, it is a fact that we have had a progressive degeneration of our intelligence community in general; in particular in the field of human intelligence. -- Paul Bremer
  • It is a pleasant thing to reflect upon, and furnishes a complete answer to those who contend for the gradual degeneration of the human species, that every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last. -- Charles Dickens
  • It would be wrong to assume that one must stay with a research programme until it has exhausted all its heuristic power, that one must not introduce a rival programme before everybody agrees that the point of degeneration has probably been reached. -- Imre Lakatos
  • One of the things I miss most is that I can no longer read, due to age-related macular degeneration. I get regular injections for this, and thankfully these seem to have arrested its progress, but it's still very difficult for me to read. That means it is hard for me to pick up my Bible and read it like I used to, and I miss that very much. -- Billy Graham
  • Welcome to the degeneration of my mind. -- Hank Green
  • Man is a degeneration of what he was. -- Swami Vivekananda
  • Detail is the heart of realism, and the fatty degeneration of art. -- Clive Bell
  • When hope is taken away from a people, moral degeneration follows swiftly thereafter. -- Pearl S. Buck
  • Where does one not find that bland degeneration which beer produces in the spirit! -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Every individual or national degeneration is immediately revealed by a directly proportional degradation in language. -- Joseph de Maistre
  • People who call themselves supporters of Israel are actually supporters of its moral degeneration and ultimate destruction. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Symbolism is no mere idle fancy or corrupt degeneration: it is inherent in the very texture of human life. -- Alfred North Whitehead
  • Socialism crushes human rights, builds the state, impinges on the liberty of conscience, and breeds social, cultural, and economic degeneration. -- Llewellyn Rockwell
  • In our present state of degeneration it is through the skin that metaphysics must be made to re-enter our minds. -- Antonin Artaud
  • Pharisaism is not a degeneration in a good man: a large portion of it is rather the condition of all being-good. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Humanity to me is not a mob. A mob is a degeneration of humanity. A mob is humanity going the wrong way. -- Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this. -- Valeria Lukyanova
  • A real dog, beloved and therefore pampered by his mistress, is a lamentable spectacle. He suffers from fatty degeneration of his moral being. -- Agnes Repplier
  • The too perfect security of the Upper-worlders had led them to a slow movement of degeneration, a general dwindling in size, strength, and intelligence. -- H. G. Wells
  • In a healthy nation there is a kind of dramatic balance between the will of the people and the government, which prevents its degeneration into tyranny. -- Albert Einstein
  • From the preponderance of talent, we may always infer the soundness and vigour of the commonwealth; but from the preponderance of riches, its dotage and degeneration. -- Charles Caleb Colton
  • There is a big difference to someone being born with vision loss, to a kid having vision loss, to a senior having macular degeneration and losing their sight. -- Marla Runyan
  • The beginning is always so fine!! But decay soon follows. A degeneration into the tired old situation. The rot sets in ... there is only the beauty of the start! -- Jhonen Vasquez
  • In history the way of annihilation is invariably prepared by inward degeneration, by decrease of life. Only then can a shock from outside put an end to the whole. -- Jacob Burckhardt
  • Our degeneration, when it is traced back to its origin in our view of the world really consists in the fact that true optimism has vanished unperceived from our midst. -- Albert Schweitzer
  • It is not dirt but the fear of dirt which is the sign of man's degeneration, and it is dangerous to judge a man's physical and moral sanity by outside standards. -- Lin Yutang
  • The long words are not the hard words, it is the short words that are hard. There is much more metaphysical subtlety in the word "damn" than in the word "degeneration." -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • We stand todaybefore the awful proposition: either the triumph of imperialism and the destruction of all culture, and, as in ancient Rome, depopulation, desolation, degeneration, a vast cemetery; or, the victory of socialism. -- Rosa Luxemburg
  • Wherever there is degeneration and apathy, there also is sexual perversion, cold depravity, miscarriage, premature old age, grumbling youth, there is a decline in the arts, indifference to science, and injustice in all its forms. -- Anton Chekhov