Deficit Spending quotes:

  • We can't have deficit spending in Texas. You have to balance your budget every two years. -- Rick Perry
  • The party in power almost always unapologetically engages in deficit spending, while the other party argues passionately against the evils of debt and deficits. -- Matt Taibbi
  • Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers. -- Ron Paul
  • The American people want a balanced budget. They want Congress to stop this barbaric practice of perpetual deficit spending. It really, if you think about it, is a form of taxation without representation. We fought a war over that issue and we won that war. -- Mike Lee
  • Democrats cannot win elections without capturing the votes of independent-minded swing voters. And that is where writing off the Tea Party as a bunch of racist kooks becomes self-destructive. The Tea Party outrage over health-care reform, deficit spending and entitlements run amok is no fringe concern. -- Juan Williams
  • To reduce deficit spending and our enormous debt, you reign in spending. You cut the budget. You don't take more from the private sector and grow government with it. And that's exactly what Obama has in mind with this expiration of Bush tax cuts proposal of his. -- Sarah Palin
  • I understand deficit spending. I was born in deficit spending. -- Al Sharpton
  • We now know that inflation results from all that deficit spending. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. -- Alan Greenspan
  • We think we can't survive without deficit spending - but we soon won't be able to survive with deficit spending, either. -- Tony Blankley
  • The reason Ronald Reagan gets slammed for having so badly exacerbated the problem of deficit spending is that he so plainly deserves it. -- Daniel Keys Moran
  • Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the 'hidden' confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. -- Alan Greenspan
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  • In almost every enterprise, government has provided business with opportunities for private gain at public expense. Government nurtures private capital accumulation through a process of subsidies, supports, and deficit spending and an increasingly inequitable tax system. -- Michael Parenti
  • We've got to start worrying about America. And if we don't start dealing with the debt we have and the deficit spending we have in Washington, politics doesn't matter, because the American people do realize that they have to balance their budgets. -- Marlin Stutzman
  • The unprecedented success of Keynesianism is due to the fact that it provides an apparent justification for the 'deficit spending' policies of contemporary governments. It is the pseudo-philosophy of those who can think of nothing else than to dissipate the capital accumulated by previous generations. -- Ludwig von Mises
  • Inflation is not caused by the actions of private citizens, but by the government: by an artificial expansion of the money supply required to support deficit spending. No private embezzlers or bank robbers in history have ever plundered people's savings on a scale comparable to the plunder perpetrated by the fiscal policies of statist governments. -- Ayn Rand
  • When you look at February's (2011) deficit spending alone, and the fact that it was larger than what our total deficit spending was in 2007, the proposals that the Senate is sending us simply are ridiculous, because it's not even a solution. It doesn't address the amount of spending that we have in a week's time. We need to get serious. -- Kristi Noem
  • Spending on the military doesn't increase the deficit. -- Ronald Reagan
  • The deficit is the symptom, but spending is the disease. -- Jeb Hensarling
  • Mr. Obama's choices show how fundamentally unserious he is about deficit reduction and spending restraint. -- Monica Crowley
  • By restraining spending and by cutting the deficit, Republican policies are helping to keep our economy strong. -- Dennis Hastert
  • Well, a deficit reflects an imbalance between spending and revenue, and so narrowing it requires acting on one, the other or both. -- Peter R. Orszag
  • The important lesson of the deficit is - and the national debt - is we have to be careful about how we're spending money. -- Joseph Stiglitz
  • If you're worried about the deficit, pay attention to the fact that it's almost all attributable to military spending and the totally dysfunctional health program. -- Noam Chomsky
  • The goal is to reduce the size and scope of government spending, not to focus on the deficit. The deficit is the symptom of the disease. -- Grover Norquist
  • Pushing gun control drives people [in my district] crazy, gay marriage, abortion, deficit spending.All of that stuff adds up to be a problem for Democrats. -- Collin Peterson
  • I think growing an economy is a good way to help with a deficit, but ultimately, it's about fiscal discipline and responsible spending - and smart decisions. -- Justin Trudeau
  • Once the dollar begins to collapse beneath the weight of all this new deficit spending, accumulation of contingency liabilities and the socialization of our economy, commodity prices and interest rates will head skyward. -- Peter Schiff