Deen quotes:

  • We claim Islam as Deen or a complete way of life. -- Pervez Musharraf
  • Bank of America is to sweetheart loans and Democratic Party payoffs as Paula Deen is to sugar and bacon grease. -- Michelle Malkin
  • I'm about to play an emaciated pregnant vampire, so I've stopped using as much butter as Paula Deen - just until 'Breaking Dawn' is over. -- Kristen Stewart
  • I was very good at sitting. But I just read so much research about how horrible sitting is for you. It's like, it's really bad. It's like Paula-Deen-glazed-bacon-doughnut bad. So I now move around as much as possible. -- A. J. Jacobs
  • The worst, most dangerous person to America is clearly Paula Deen. -- Anthony Bourdain
  • I don't consider myself a food person. I'm no Bobby Flay. I'm no Emeril or Paula Deen, and I'm certainly not Rachael Ray. -- Al Roker
  • Paula Deen is a human being. She deserves forgiveness and a chance at redemption as much as anyone else. America is about redemption. -- Don Lemon
  • Two hungry wolves let loose among sheep are not more harmful then a person craving after wealth and status is to his Deen (Religion). -- Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalee
  • I do feel that Paula Deen should not have lost her job, and I've said this on the air. The marketplace should have decided. The marketplace decided something different. Her books are No. 1. -- Don Lemon
  • I'm kind of fascinated by Paula Deen. I've been to her restaurant, The Lady and Sons, in Savannah. My friend was studying in the area, and we ate at her restaurant, and it was right at the cusp where Paula Deen became Paula Deen. -- Parvesh Cheena
  • Whoever does not hold his tongue cannot understand his deen. -- Hasan of Basra
  • Allah is too big and open for my deen to be small and closed. -- Michael Muhammad Knight
  • The more knowledge (of deen) you have the more humble you should be. Instead you are becoming judgemental. -- Nouman Ali Khan