Counterinsurgency quotes:

  • You know as well as I do that counterinsurgency is a very nuanced type of military operation. -- John Abizaid
  • I think the central mission in Afghanistan right now is to protect the people, certainly, and that would be inclusive of everybody, and that in a, in an insurgency and a counterinsurgency, that's really the center of gravity. -- Michael Mullen
  • The overriding goal of counterinsurgency is to make friends: You make friends with the people; you isolate the insurgents. -- Dexter Filkins
  • Well, the oil, the oil spot, if you will, is a, is a term in counterinsurgency literature that connotes a peaceful area, secure area. So what you're trying to do is to always extend that, to push that out. -- David Petraeus
  • The Germans have done wonderful work. Not long ago, a German battle group battalion conducted a very impressive counterinsurgency operation in a portion of Baghlan province. I think these are the first counterinsurgency operations conducted by any German element after World War II. And they did a very impressive job. -- David Petraeus
  • Faced with the collapse of Iraq into something like Lebanon - or worse, Somalia - the Bush administration opted for a new counterinsurgency strategy. Violence was reduced because, for the first time since the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, Iraqis felt that there was a force capable of dominating the situation and ensuring basic order. -- Noah Feldman
  • I do not believe that a counterterrorism strategy all by itself, without a sufficient level of counterinsurgency, will work. -- Rahm Emanuel
  • One is the goals of 9/11 itself, of that attack was to draw the United States into Afghanistan to fight a counterinsurgency as the Soviets had done before them. -- Mark Danner