Cools quotes:

  • Passion - eventually it cools. -- Francesca Marciano
  • Love's fire heats water, water cools not love. -- William Shakespeare
  • Anything that cools my love for Christ is the world. -- John Wesley
  • Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting. -- William Arthur Ward
  • Forgiveness is a funny thing, it warms the heart and cools the sting. -- Peter Allen
  • Nothing cools so fast as undue enthusiasm. Water that has boiled freezes sooner than any other. -- George Iles
  • Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours. -- Thomas Mann
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  • Absence cools moderate passions, and inflames violent ones; just as the wind blows out candles, but kindles fires. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Life is short, so fall in love, dear maiden, before your youthful ardor cools off, for there is no tomorrow. -- Atsushi
  • wit, wit! - I look upon it always as a draught of air; it cools indeed, but one gets a stiff neck from it. -- Katharina Elisabeth Goethe
  • Hollywood cools, and when it cools you have to go to where the work is. I ran off to Italy to do spaghetti westerns. -- Tab Hunter
  • You're not famous unless people's mothers know who you are. Everybody else, you think you're famous, but you're just hot, and heat cools off. -- Chris Rock
  • Herman Cain has suspended his presidential campaign, but he has asked the Secret Service if they could continue to provide him protection, at least until his wife cools off. -- David Letterman
  • She who ne'er answers till a husband cools, Or, if she rules him, never shows she rules; Charms by accepting, by submitting, sways, Yet has her humor most, when she obeys. -- Alexander Pope
  • Opposition can be your friend. Opposition can be the fire that tempers the better sword, as well as the ice that cools a fiery temper. Don't ever run from it; learn from it! -- Jack R. Rose
  • A brook can be a friend in a special way. It talks to you with splashy gurgles. It cools your toes and lets you sit quietly beside it when you don't feel like speaking. -- Joan Walsh Anglund
  • Hot soup at table is very vulgar; it either leads to an unseemly mode of taking it, or keeps people waiting too long whilst it cools. Soup should be brought to table only moderately warm. -- Charlie Day
  • It's folly that women measure their happiness with the pleasures of the bed, but they do. And when the pleasure cools or their man goes missing, all they once lived for turns dark and hateful. -- Euripides