Contingency Plans quotes:

  • We have contingency plans for war, but none for peace. -- Theodore C. Sorensen
  • And even, if circumstances required, a contingency plan for his contingency plan's contingency plan. -- Frank Beddor
  • There is nearly always uh, a process of wanting contingency plans made in the military. -- McGeorge Bundy
  • Presidents and Lyndon Johnson was really no exception, very rapidly learned the difference between a contingency plan and an authorized act. -- McGeorge Bundy
  • One thing that makes it possible to be an optimist is if you have a contingency plan for when all hell breaks loose. -- Randy Pausch
  • There are contingency plans in the NATO doctrine to fire a nuclear weapon for demonstrative purposes, to demonstrate to the other side that they are exceeding the limits of toleration in the conventional area. -- Alexander Haig
  • By admitting they have no contingency plan to assist the millions that may lose subsidies, the administration confirms how the misguided law is unworkable for the American people, i'm committed to working with my Republican colleagues on how Congress can respond to help those hurt by Obamacare's broken promises. -- Orrin Hatch
  • The guarantee of safety in a battering relationship can never be based upon a promise from the perpetrator, no matter how heartfelt. Rather, it must be based upon the self-protective capability of the victim. Until the victim has developed a detailed and realistic contingency plan and has demonstrated her ability to carry it out, she remains in danger of repeated abuse. -- Judith Lewis Herman
  • Certainly, I know what to do, and when I am Vice President -- and I will be -- there will be contingency plans under different sets of situations and I tell you what, I'm not going to go out and hold a news conference about it. I'm going to put it in a safe and keep it there! Does that answer your question? -- Dan Quayle