Brothers Karamazov quotes:

  • The first book that really knocked me out was the 'Brothers Karamazov.' I read it when I was a senior in high school. -- Robert Hass
  • If you want the meaning of families and life and religion and philosophy rolled into one package, all you need to read is The Brothers Karamazov. -- Charlie Trotter
  • There is one other book, that can teach you everything you need to know about life... it's The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, but that's not enough anymore. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • I just can't imagine my life without Dostoevsky and The Brothers Karamazov. I can spin off of that and talk about Crime and Punishment and Tolstoy. I could talk about other novels, but for me it's Dostoevsky. His sheer size and grandeur, his sacramentality, his ecclesiology, and his sense of the human predicament are as powerful as it gets. Can't imagine not reading the Russians. -- Gordon T. Smith
  • If you want the meaning of families and life and religion and philosophy rolled into one package, all you need to read is 'The Brothers Karamazov.' -- Charlie Trotter
  • I got on a Dostoyevsky kick right after college. I started with 'Crime and Punishment,' went on to 'The Possessed' and then 'The Brothers Karamazov' and 'The Idiot.' -- Charlie Trotter
  • When I got into "Anna Karenina" and "Brothers Karamazov" and "Crime and Punishment," that was the stuff that - that had a big effect on me, because it was so psychological. -- Bruce Springsteen
  • The truly great books are always novels: 'Anna Karenina,' 'The Brothers Karamazov,' 'The Magic Mountain.' Just as with 'Shahnameh,' I browse these books from time to time to remember how a great book works on us or to teach my students at Columbia University. -- Orhan Pamuk