Autonomous quotes:

  • Autonomous state actions will regularly take forms that attempt to reinforce the authority, political longevity, and social control of the state. -- Theda Skocpol
  • Autonomous people, nations, and systems can promote each other's welfare; they do not have to fight each other like those whose inner insecurity and immaturity continually demand the demarcation of limits and postures of intimidation. -- Christa Wolf
  • The judge placed his hands on the ground. He looked at his inquisitor. This is my claim, he said. And yet everywhere upon it are pockets of autonomous life. Autonomous. In order for it to be mine nothing must be permitted to occur upon it save by my dispensation. -- Cormac McCarthy
  • Mine is not an autonomous imagination. -- Jay McInerney
  • My opinion is it's a bridge too far to go to fully autonomous cars. -- Elon Musk
  • We only want autonomous collaborators that are incentivized to make or break their own income. -- Joel Salatin
  • It would be nice to be a bit autonomous again, to enjoy something a bit quiet. -- Sam Taylor-Johnson
  • Normally, in the presence of radiation, communication links fail. But with autonomous robots, you don't need communications. -- Vijay Kumar
  • If I am to truly become an autonomous woman, then I must take over that role of being my own guardian. -- Elizabeth Gilbert
  • The good man is he who rules himself as he does his own property: his autonomous being is modelled on material power. -- Theodor Adorno
  • One of the great things about the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, which my company iRobot designed, is that it's too cheap not to be autonomous. -- Rodney Brooks
  • In poetic language, in which the sign as such takes on an autonomous value, this sound symbolism becomes an actual factor and creates a sort of accompaniment to the signified. -- Roman Jakobson
  • This nation can no longer tolerate the autonomous conduct of any single service. A waste of the resources of America in spendthrift defense is an invitation to disaster for America. -- Louis A. Johnson
  • Every individual is a person necessarily imbedded in a range of multiple relations, and therefore, no one is really independent in anything but a relative sense; no one is truly autonomous. -- David Novak
  • There's a certain amount of sympathy here for the Bush administration's problem, which is they would like to get rid of Saddam Hussein and they would like to have the Kurds autonomous. -- Les Aspin
  • Poetry, fiction as novels or short stories - these are autonomous as created by their authors. They should stand on their own, like pieces of furniture that should be judged as to their usefulness, elegance. -- F. Sionil Jose
  • Osama bin Laden, the person, more likely serves the function of a stand-in. Compare the new terrorists with partisans or conventional terrorists in Israel. These people often fight in a decentralized manner in small, autonomous units, too. -- Jurgen Habermas
  • Without free, self-respecting, and autonomous citizens there can be no free and independent nations. Without internal peace, that is, peace among citizens and between the citizens and the state, there can be no guarantee of external peace. -- Vaclav Havel
  • After more than a decade as the editor of 'Wired' magazine, Chris Anderson started the company of his dreams - a robotics manufacturing company called 3D Robotics - to produce the autonomous flying vehicles coming out of DIY Drones. -- Peter Diamandis
  • Melbourne, where I grew up, is one of the street art capitals of the world. Something about discovering freshly painted walls always fills me with optimism; it's autonomous and democratic, and reminds me that maybe people are paying attention after all. -- Penelope Mitchell
  • No matter how much control kids get over the media they watch, they are still utterly powerless when it comes to the manufacturing of brands. Even a consumer revolt merely reinforces one's role as a consumer, not an autonomous or creative being. -- Douglas Rushkoff
  • A song has a life of its own. It's an autonomous thing, separate from your own experience, almost. And the mere repetition of it means it's subject to change; it means approaching it differently, expressing different emotional aspects of it. It doesn't feel like wallowing. -- St. Vincent
  • Everything, however complicated - breaking waves, migrating birds, and tropical forests - is made of atoms and obeys the equations of quantum physics. But even if those equations could be solved, they wouldn't offer the enlightenment that scientists seek. Each science has its own autonomous concepts and laws. -- Martin Rees
  • If a woman makes a unilateral decision to bring pregnancy to term, and the biological father does not, and cannot, share in this decision, he should not be liable for 21 years of support... autonomous women making independent decisions about their lives should not expect men to finance their choice. -- Karen DeCrow
  • With any hallucinations, if you can do functional brain imagery while they're going on, you will find that the parts of the brain usually involved in seeing or hearing - in perception - have become super active by themselves. And this is an autonomous activity; this does not happen with imagination. -- Oliver Sacks
  • My personal fascination with the power of the crowd has been growing: Exactly what can a 'crowd' accomplish? We know crowds can raise billions of dollars, create Wikipedia, and even design and build small autonomous drones. But how about something large and complex like designing a new car, and maybe someday even a spaceship? -- Peter Diamandis
  • All great enterprises have a pearl of faith at their core, and this must be ours: that Americans are still a people born to liberty. That they retain the capacity for self-government. That, addressed as free-born, autonomous men and women of God-given dignity, they will rise yet again to drive back a mortal enemy. -- Mitch Daniels
  • The first autonomous cars date back to the late 20th century. But recent increases in sophistication and reductions in cost - reflected, for example, in cheap LIDAR systems, which can 'see' a street in 3D in a way similar to that of the human eye - are now bringing autonomous cars closer to the market. -- Carlo Ratti
  • A city can only be reconstructed in the form of urban quarters. A large or a small city can only be reorganized as a large or a small number of urban quarters; as a federation of autonomous quarters. Each quarter must have its own center, periphery and limit. Each quarter must be a city within a city. -- Leon Krier
  • We are not completely autonomous. -- Jerry Garcia
  • The purpose of autonomous driving is to eliminate accidents. -- Warren Brown
  • The essence of self-fulfillment and autonomous culture is an unshakable egotism. -- H. L. Mencken
  • Without free, self-respecting, and autonomous citizens there can be no free and independent nations. -- Vaclav Havel
  • To reject revelational epistemology is to commit yourself to defending the truth of autonomous epistemology. -- Greg L. Bahnsen
  • Human beings seem to be far more autonomous and self-governed than modern psychological theory allows for. -- Abraham Maslow
  • War should never be thought of as something autonomous, but always as an instrument of policy. -- Carl von Clausewitz
  • All autonomous agencies and authorities, sooner or later, turn into self-perpetuating strongholds of conventional thought and practice. -- Ada Louise Huxtable
  • In Boston they have gone from large autonomous high schools to smaller schools within the same building. -- Michael Welch
  • A god or revelation capable of proof or rational verification by an autonomous man would be worthless. -- Greg L. Bahnsen
  • The game itself is an autonomous game, but everybody is a part of it. No contribution is too small. -- Joe Torre
  • Before a leader can be accepted, let alone succeed, autonomous professionals must agree to be influenced by that person. -- David Maister
  • There can be no autonomous agent with unitary interests called 'society' that exerts causal influence. This is a logical impossibility -- David Buss
  • The so-called 'Palestinian autonomous areas' are bantustans. These are restricted entities within the power structure of the Israeli apartheid system. -- Nelson Mandela
  • I wish people used wishes to modify themselves instead of others. Wish to be low maintenance. Wish to be autonomous, even. -- Dan Harmon
  • The mind has a complex life that can seem quite autonomous - dreams, obsessions, unwilled memory are all instances of this. -- Marilynne Robinson
  • there is every reason to fear that the State is growing ever more powerful, more autonomous, more indifferent to its own inhabitants. -- Charles A. Reich
  • I was touching on the idea of the autonomous militaristic or autonomous law enforcement idea, but it wasn't the primary driving force. -- Neill Blomkamp
  • I've always got the road. Stand-up makes you so autonomous and self-sufficient that it really helps with that part of show business. -- Louis C. K.
  • The whole dear notion of one's own Self-marvelous old free-willed, free- enterprising, autonomous, independent, isolated island of a Self- is a myth. -- Lewis Thomas
  • If the aim of physical theories is to explain experimental laws, theoretical physics is not an autonomous science; it is subordinate to metaphysics. -- Pierre Duhem
  • Nature is always trying to tell us that we are not so superior or independent or alone or autonomous as we may think. -- Wendell Berry
  • A wide range of social, collective phenomena can be made to emerge from the interactions of autonomous agents operating to simple local rules -- Robert Axtell
  • The organism cannot be regarded as simply the passive object of autonomous internal and external forces; it is also the subject of its own evolution. -- Richard Levins
  • A modern, autonomous, and thoroughly trained Air Force in being at all times will not alone be sufficient, but without it there can be no national security. -- Henry H. Arnold
  • That is what marriage really means; helping one another to reach the full status of being persons, responsible and autonomous beings who do not run away from life. -- Paul Tournier
  • I've made a few albums in such an autonomous way; it often has been exhausting. It's almost difficult to enjoy the process when you take on so much. -- Grant-Lee Phillips
  • I don't know if you actually get something out of writing poetry. I think poetry is an autonomous muse that decides to come and sit on your couch. -- Alice Walker
  • Simulation is the situation created by any system of signs when it becomes sophisticated enough, autonomous enough, to abolish its own referent and to replace it with itself. -- Jean Baudrillard
  • Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined, and connected to one another. And when that drive is liberated, people achieve more and live richer lives. -- Daniel H. Pink
  • The majority of problems on this planet are the result of the idea that humans are not sovereign and autonomous, but property owned by primitive Gods and incompetent governments. -- Christopher Hyatt
  • History is not going to look kindly on us if we just keep our head in the sand on armed autonomous robotics issue because it sounds too science fiction. -- Peter Singer
  • The more we see the unconscionable ends to which the human spirit can descend when it is determined to remain autonomous, the more our confidence in human methods diminishes. -- Ravi Zacharias
  • If there is no final place for civil disobedience, then the government has been made autonomous, and as such, it has been put in the place of the living God. -- Francis Schaeffer
  • Bureaucracies are designed to perform public business. But as soon as a bureaucracy is established, it develops an autonomous spiritual life and comes to regard the public as its enemy. -- Brooks Atkinson
  • Today we are raised with the notion that to be secure is to be financially autonomous. Amassing wealth is viewed as the primary rite of passage to a secure, autonomous existence. -- Jeremy Rifkin
  • The acceleration and saturation leads to things becoming outmoded, or out of fashion before they've even happened. That's a pretty complicated situation. Hype becomes autonomous from its object and runs away with itself. -- Kode9
  • It's as though aesthetic value, quality, could be preserved only by concentrating on 'absolute' or 'autonomous' art: thus on visual art... that held and moved and stirred the beholder as sheer decoration could not. -- Clement Greenberg
  • Obstinacy is a fault of temperament. Stubbornness and intolerance of contradiction result from a special kind of egotism, which elevates above everything else the pleasure of its autonomous intellect, to which others must bow. -- Carl von Clausewitz
  • I've started a project called Planet Art. The purpose will be to remind people where I really believe we came from, which was a creative planet, and that everybody can be autonomous through their art. -- Meredith Brooks
  • The stronger the culture, the less corporate process a company needs. When the culture is strong, you can trust everyone to do the right thing. People can be independent and autonomous. They can be entrepreneurial. -- Brian Chesky
  • The world is more magical, less predictable, more autonomous, less controllable, more varied, less simple, more infinite, less knowable, more wonderfully troubling than we could have imagined being able to tolerate when we were young. -- James Hollis