Auteurs quotes:

  • The Auteurs have become Luke Haines. I ate their bodies, spat out the pips, and sucked up their souls. -- Luke Haines
  • I don't really believe in the auteur theory. -- Park Chan-wook
  • Im very strongly in favor of the auteur theory. -- George Hickenlooper
  • Un auteur ga" te tout quand il veut trop bien faire. An author spoils everything when he wants too much to do good. -- Jean de La Fontaine
  • Remember when movies were just good or bad, before auteurs, film festivals, and guys from USC who were the first to shoot underwater? -- Mort Sahl
  • I always argued against the auteur theory; films are a collaborative art form. I've had some fantastically good people help me make the movies. -- Alan Parker
  • There's no such thing as "an auteurist filmmaker." Every film directors is an auteur. We only make films that we do because we cannot put on clothes that don't fit us. -- Lee Yoon-ki
  • As a loyal believer in the Auteur Theory I first felt editing was but the logical consequence of the way in which one shoots. But, what I learned is that it is actually another writing. -- Bernardo Bertolucci
  • The dean of the American Film Institute has written that I'm one of the very few auteurs in America. I've had freedom for 40 years to create art that is totally personal and is what I believe in. -- Lloyd Kaufman
  • They seem much rarer now, those auteur films that come out of a director's imagination and are elliptical and hermetic. All those films that got me into independent cinema when I was watching it seem thin on the ground. -- Toby Jones
  • My roommate at Yale University introduced me to the auteur theory of filmmaking. I soon became a big fan of the works of John Ford, Kenji Mizoguchi, Ernst Lubitsch, and Stan Brakhage. I then decided to make my own films! -- Lloyd Kaufman
  • We once believed we were auteurs but we weren't. We had no idea, really. Film is over. It's sad nobody is really exploring it. But what to do? And anyway, with mobile phones and everything, everyone is now an auteur. -- Jean-Luc Godard
  • I think the art film, or the auteur-driven film - and not only foreign, but domestic films following that path - can get a small share of the box office. And I think that small share may open up a little bit. -- Roger Corman
  • Le mot 'psychologie'est un de ceux qu'aucun auteur d'aujourd'hui ne peut entendre prononcer a' son sujet sans baisser les yeux et rougir. The word 'psychology' is one that no author today can hear said about her work without lowering her eyes and blushing. -- Nathalie Sarraute
  • Quand on voit le style naturel, on est tout e tonne et ravi, car on s'attendait de voir un auteur, et on trouve un homme. When we see a natural style we are quite amazed and delighted, because we expected to see an author and find a man. -- Blaise Pascal
  • People know that I have a great love for cinema. Not just for commercial cinema, but for the 'cinema d'auteur.' But to me, two of the great 'auteurs' are actually actors and they both happen to be French. One is Alain Delon and the other is Jean-Paul Belmondo. -- Harvey Weinstein
  • In a certain respect, in a movie, you inevitably have a lot of people doing a lot of different jobs because that's the only practical way to get it done. When you make a record, you can still be an auteur, because you can make a whole record without anyone's help if you want. -- D.A. Wallach
  • Seeing Taylor Swift live in 2013 is seeing a maestro at the top of her or anyone's game. No other pop auteur can touch her right now for emotional excess or musical reach - her punk is so punk, her disco is so disco. The red sequins on her guitar match the ones on her microphone, her shoes and 80 percent of the crowd. -- Rob Sheffield
  • I do believe that there are auteurs, in the sense that there are filmmakers with very strong voices and their voices are communicated on to the screen without a lot of compromise. -- Mark Romanek