Assisting quotes:

  • The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. -- Mark Van Doren
  • Liberalism is assisting quality of life, whatever you may choose. -- Ted Nugent
  • I can't have just anybody assisting me, I need somebody who I can really communicate with. -- Robert Mapplethorpe
  • I'm trying to knock the medical profession into accepting its responsibilities, and those responsibilities include assisting their patients with death. -- Jack Kevorkian
  • President Obama vowed in his State of the Union address to make assisting domestic manufacturers a top priority for his second term. -- Karen Mills
  • Despite the negativity coming from the President's opponents, the United States remains fully committed to assisting the Iraqis in restoring security and rebuilding their nation. -- Craig L. Thomas
  • I spent some time at White Memorial Medical Center as a senior medical student doing a rotation in surgery; however, I felt I wasn't getting enough time assisting. -- Samuel Wilson
  • We're not interested in cloning the Michael Jordans and Michael Jacksons of the world, but rather assisting infertile couples that deserve the right to have a biological child to have one. -- Panayiotis Zavos
  • I am so proud of Michigan's citizens for the kindness and generosity they have shown in assisting in this endeavor. It is truly heartwarming to see the compassion shown for those in need. -- Jennifer Granholm
  • I was sure I wanted to grow up to be either a veterinarian or a writer. In fact, I worked for a vet during high school, doing everything from cleaning cages to assisting in surgery. -- K. A. Applegate
  • You're assisting the audience to understand; you're giving them a bridge or an access. And if you don't give them that, if you keep it more abstract, it's almost more pure. It's a cooler thing. -- Jim Henson
  • Marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other, but, rather, with each encouraging and assisting the other in whatever responsibilities and aspirations he or she might have. -- Gordon B. Hinckley
  • We can never know for certain where our prayers are likely to go, nor from whom the answers will come. Just when we think we are at our nearest to God, we could be assisting the Devil. -- Norman Mailer
  • The work I have done in private practice has been assisting companies and organizations to work with an incredibly complex federal government. I'm proud of the impact I've had for these organizations, including organizations here in Pinellas County. -- David Jolly
  • I decided to do advertising, as ad films were made in only 10 days, and started assisting Sanjeev Sharma and Mansoor Khan. Surprisingly, I was a whiz kid and soon learnt to edit films and became an expert at it. -- Ronit Roy
  • While at a biological disadvantage in competitions, women - who even make trips to restaurant bathrooms in pairs - are at a clear advantage when it comes to grouping together and the activities that accompany it: gossiping, sharing, bonding, assisting, scrapbooking, and building networks. -- Sandra Tsing Loh
  • We are also assisting the refugees who have fled across the border to Chad. As many of them have been subject to attacks by militia crossing from Sudan, UNHCR is mounting a major logistical operation to establish camps and transfer refugees away from the border zone. -- Jan Egeland
  • People think that it is important to learn by assisting the great photographers. I say that is a big mistake. Be happy; just learn from any little guy. Learn how to use the camera - you don't need anything else. You can't be taught the real skill anyway. -- Peter Lindbergh
  • All images generated by imaging technology are viewed in a walled-off location not visible to the public. The officer assisting the passenger never sees the image, and the officer viewing the image never interacts with the passenger. The imaging technology that we use cannot store, export, print or transmit images. -- Janet Napolitano
  • I will say to all the fellas out there that, seriously, I am a setup. I'm just like rose petals. I'm like incense. I'm a background thing for you when you do your thing with your lady. I'm a friend, only assisting you in your lurve machinations. So have no fear of me, people. -- Maxwell
  • I sat down in 1989 and I made up my mind at that point that I was going to spend the rest of my life assisting women and youth to gain social and political empowerment through business and education. I convinced myself economic empowerment of women was going to be key, especially in a country like this where most women didn't go to school. -- Joyce Banda
  • Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. -- Randy Pausch
  • Assists is what Earvin is all about. That's what my whole life has been, assisting others. -- Magic Johnson
  • O, God assist our side: at least, avoid assisting the enemy and leave the rest to me -- Aldo Leopold
  • In appropriate circumstances we are justified in using humans to achieve goals (or the goal of assisting animals). -- Peter Singer
  • In the ending the king is a powerful piece for assisting his own pawns, or stopping the adverse pawns. -- Wilhelm Steinitz
  • The word education must not be understood in the sense of teaching but of assisting the psychological development of the child. -- Maria Montessori
  • There is a kind way of assisting our fellow-creatures which is enough to break their hearts while it saves their outer envelope. -- Joseph Conrad
  • There are few things in life that bring as much joy as the joy that comes from assisting another improve his or her life. -- Richard G. Scott
  • No society can long sustain itself unless its members have learned the sensitivities, motivations and skills involved in assisting and caring for other human beings. -- Urie Bronfenbrenner
  • If I were capable of assisting someone, I would do it in a manner that would cause the person seeking assistance to work, so he assists himself. -- Ameen Rihani
  • There is only one proved method of assisting the advancement of pure science-that of picking men of genius, backing them heavily, and leaving them to direct themselves. -- James Bryant Conant
  • Just about everything in this world is easier said than done, with the exception of "systematically assisting Sisyphus's stealthy, cyst-susceptible sister," which is easier done than said. -- Daniel Handler
  • It is no mere coincidence that there is both an historic and a present relationship between community (people assisting each other) and a poverty of power due to financial recession. -- Bill Mollison
  • The consciousness of the animal begins to change when it interacts with a human who's gone beyond thinking. It's not only the animals assisting us; we are also assisting the animals. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • The more our hearts and minds are turned to assisting others less fortunate than we, the more we will avoid the spiritually cankering effects that result from greed, selfishness and overindulgence. -- Joe J. Christensen
  • I am so proud of Michigan's citizens for the kindness and generosity they have shown in assisting in this endeavor. It is truly heartwarming to see the compassion shown for those in need -- Jennifer Granholm
  • We're making progress. Our military is assisting in Iraq. And we're hoping that within the year we'll be able to push ISIS out of Iraq and then, you know, really squeeze them in Syria. -- Hillary Clinton