Armored quotes:

  • Logistics is the ball and chain of armored warfare. -- Heinz Guderian
  • The armored cars of dreams, contrived to let us do so many a dangerous thing. -- Elizabeth Bishop
  • Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, armored troops will play the decisive role. -- Heinz Guderian
  • Long after the bomb falls and you and your good deeds are gone, cockroaches will still be here, prowling the streets like armored cars. -- Tama Janowitz
  • The ought to be a worldwide cultural taskforce that just stops you when you have ideas like combining The Red Desert with an armored car heist movie. -- Steven Soderbergh
  • The armored vehicle manufacturing base is not a light switch that can be turned on and off at will. If we mothball production of systems like the Abrams tank, it will take time and money to get this capability back. -- Sander Levin
  • One does not export democracy in an armored vehicle. -- Jacques Chirac
  • He was impregnably armored by his good intentions and his ignorance. -- Graham Greene
  • The Bagshaw's blew up an armored truck one,' Gabrielle offered. -- Ally Carter
  • If I'd kept my heart better armored, where would I be now? -- Ransom Riggs
  • In the old days, people robbed stagecoaches and knocked off armored trucks. Now they're knocking off servers. -- Richard Power
  • Nefertiti is like Athena born from the brow of Zeus , a head-heavy armored goddess. She is beautiful but desexed. -- Camille Paglia
  • I know as a critic I'm required to have a well-armored heart. I must be a cynical wise guy to show my great sophistication. No pushover, me. -- Roger Ebert
  • Among the masked dandies of Edwardian comedy, Max Beerbohm is the most happily armored by a deep and almost innocent love of himself as a work of art. -- V. S. Pritchett
  • Cryptography [without system integrity] is like investing in an armored car to carry money between a customer living in a cardboard box and a person doing business on a park bench. -- Gene Spafford
  • Using encryption on the Internet is the equivalent of arranging an armored car to deliver credit card information from someone living in a cardboard box to someone living on a park bench. -- Gene Spafford
  • The thing one resents about winter is its inactivity; the perpetual sameness of ice-armored hills and snow-blanketed woods. Great things, of course, may be going on underneath; but nature wears a mask, is icily non-committal. -- Anne Bosworth Greene