Armenian Genocide quotes:

  • It's time to recognise the Armenian Genocide. -- Kim Kardashian
  • The legacy of the Armenian Genocide is woven into the fabric of America. -- Adam Schiff
  • If Turkey is prepared to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, then its leaders can proceed immediately to direct dialogue with its counterparts in Armenia to define a common vision for the future. -- Mark Foley
  • Moreover, as the leadership of the House confirmed last year, the Administration remains opposed to a congressional resolution on the Armenian Genocide due to Turkish objections. This approach sends absolutely the wrong signal to Turkey and to the rest of the world. -- Patrick J. Kennedy
  • The Armenian Genocide is such a controversial and very sensitive issue because the Turkish and Armenian people disagree about the facts of what actually happened. I know how strongly Armenians feel about the Genocide, and how it's never been recognised. At the same time, I do not hold today's generation of people accountable. -- Khloe Kardashian
  • Go ahead, kill without mercy. After all, who remembers today the Armenian Genocide? -- Adolf Hitler
  • The AXA and New York Life settlements are important building blocks not only toward seeking financial recovery for the losses resulting from the Armenian Genocide but also in our ultimate goal, which is for Turkey and the US to officially acknowledge the genocide. -- Mark Geragos
  • You can talk about Holocaust denial, but it's really marginal for the most part. What is compelling about the Armenian genocide, is how it has been forgotten. -- Atom Egoyan
  • I am ashamed of my nation. -- Djemal Pasha
  • The Armenian genocide was also a Holocaust, but it wasn't my Holocaust. -- Edgar Hilsenrath
  • There were no exceptions for the aged, the ill, the women in pregnancy. -- Herbert Adams Gibbons
  • The Armenian genocide showed what could happen when empires were beaten into nations. -- Niall Ferguson
  • 800,000 Armenian deportees were actually killed... by holding the guilty accountable the government is intent on cleansing the bloody past. -- Djemal Pasha
  • Like the genocide of the Armenians before it, and the genocide of the Cambodians which followed it ... the lessons of the Holocaust must never be forgotten. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Have you thought of the sufferings of Armenia? You poured out your money to help succor the Armenians after they suffered; now set your strength so that they shall never suffer again. -- Woodrow Wilson
  • These left-overs from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made to account for the millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse, from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the Republican rule. -- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
  • We join Armenians around the world as we remember the terrible massacres suffered in 1915-1923 at the hands of the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. The United States responded to this crime against humanity by leading diplomatic and private relief efforts. -- George H. W. Bush
  • It is generally not known in the world that, in the years preceding 1916, there was a concerted effort made to eliminate all the Armenian people, probably one of the greatest tragedies that ever befell any group. And there weren't any Nuremberg trials. -- Jimmy Carter
  • The whole plan of extermination was nothing less than a cold blooded, calculated political measure, having for its object the annihilation of a superior element in the population, which might prove troublesome, and to this must be added the motive of greed. -- Fridtjof Nansen
  • The association of Mount Ararat and Noah, the staunch Christians who were massacred periodically by the Mohammedan Turks, and the Sunday School collections over fifty years for alleviating their miseries-all cumulate to impress the name Armenia on the front of the American mind. -- Herbert Hoover
  • ... the Armenian massacre was the greatest crime of the war, and the failure to act against Turkey is to condone it ... the failure to deal radically with the Turkish horror means that all talk of guaranteeing the future peace of the world is mischievous nonsense. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • When I had to say something that I didn't like to Turkey, but of which I was sure, I said it, with the consequences that you all know [Editor's note: a reference to his comments on the Armenian Genocide]. I said these words ... I was sure -- Pope Francis
  • Of the 2,000,000 Armenians in Turkey in 1914, one million have been slaughtered, and the survivors only 130,000 remain in Turkey and the rest are refugees and exiles. Armenian property losses are valued at over 5,000,000,000 dollars are more than three fourths of the estimated wealth of the Armenian race. -- Herbert Adams Gibbons
  • It was at first communicated to you that the Government, by order of the Jemiet had decided to destroy completely all the Armenians living in Turkey...An end must be put to their existence, however criminal the measures taken may be, and no regard must be paid to either age or sex nor to conscientious scruples. -- Talaat Pasha
  • The massacres are the result of a policy which, as far as can be ascertained, has been entertained for some considerable time by the gang of unscrupulous adventurers who are now in possession of the Government of the Turkish Empire. They hesitated to put it in practice until they thought the favorable moment had come, and that moment seems to have arrived about the month of April. -- James Bryce
  • This was a tragic event in human history, but by paying tribute to the Armenian community we ensure the lessons of the Armenian genocide are properly understood and acknowledged. -- Jerry Costello
  • The first genocide of the 21st century was against you, the Armenian people. -- Pope Francis