Armageddon quotes:

  • Armageddon is not around the corner. This is only what the people of violence want us to believe. The complexity and diversity of the world is the hope for the future. -- Michael Palin
  • What was frustrating about Armageddon was the time I spent not doing anything. It was a big special effects film, and I wasn't crazy about pretending I was in outer space. It feels ridiculous. -- Steve Buscemi
  • As you watch the world crumble, try taking your Armageddon with this sprinkling of irony: Over the last three decades, business has got virtually everything it wanted, and its doomsday scenario from the 1970s has come true because of it. -- Thomas Frank
  • I'm not a big fan of the post-Armageddon stories, where Denzel Washington is walking around in a torn coat. -- Albert Brooks
  • We're made up of energy, so who's to say you can't transmit through electrical means? If you could transmit yourself wirelessly, then it's Armageddon pretty much. -- Ian Somerhalder
  • We may be the generation that sees Armageddon. -- Ronald Reagan
  • No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise. -- Alan Moore
  • Will be a divine fight, a holy war...Armageddon on a miniature scale. -- Muhammad Ali
  • We will have to wait a little longer to see if Armageddon has arrived. -- John McCain
  • ..She had that brand of pragmatism that would find her the first brewing tea after Armageddon. -- Clive Barker
  • Honestly, if you're given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don't say 'what kind of tea? -- Neil Gaiman
  • When Paris Hilton can top the bestsellers' lists, we are one more Connect Four move closer to Armageddon. -- Corey Taylor
  • If the party of gloom is ever to regain its footing, it will have to start by understanding that those who defeated them are not a bunch of ignorant yahoos looking forward to Armageddon. -- Mona Charen
  • Call me a flaming radical burning for attention, but my real intention is to spark a discussion of how we can peacefully transform our world. America, I offer myself to you as an alarm against Armageddon and a torch for liberty. -- Kathy Change
  • An Armageddon is approaching at the beginning of the third millennium. But it is not the cosmic war and fiery collapse of mankind foretold in sacred scripture. It is the wreckage of the planet by an exuberantly plentiful and ingenious humanity. -- E. O. Wilson
  • Gentlemen, as sure as I'm sitting here now, the result of continuation of a non-system, the ostrich-like head-in-the-sand attitude, the constant rejection of any efforts to solve this problem, will produce an Armageddon in the American population in those states where there is a big problem. -- Dianne Feinstein
  • As far as her mom was concerned, tea fixed everything. Have a cold? Have some tea. Broken bones? There's a tea for that too. Somewhere in her mother's pantry, Laurel suspected, was a box of tea that said, 'In case of Armageddon, steep three to five minutes'. -- Aprilynne Pike
  • To prepare adequately for the challenge of global warming, we must acknowledge both the good and the bad that it will bring. If our starting point is to prove that Armageddon is on its way, we will not consider all of the evidence, and will not identify the smartest policy choices. -- Bjorn Lomborg
  • When you're watching 'Armageddon,' and the Aerosmith song starts... Super funny. -- Trey Parker
  • Have you any idea what it's like to live under the same roof as four women? Armageddon is the best word for it. -- Shayne Ward
  • If you worry about financial Armageddon, it is indeed metaphorically the time to stock your bunker with guns, ammunition, canned food and gold bars. -- Nouriel Roubini
  • Forecasting Armageddon has become trendy of late, with a great deal of attention being given to an interpretation of the Mayan Calendar suggesting that Mother Earth is destined for doom in December of 2012. -- Seth Shostak
  • It's interesting - in 'Fail Safe,' as well, they didn't back off. We were raised with kind of this spectrum of that Armageddon and lived under it, so those were probably the films. 'Fail Safe' sort of haunted me. -- Gary Ross
  • Consider that the overwhelming majority of those 40,000 near-Earth asteroids are small enough to fit on the parking lot at the mall. And while these rocky runts won't cause Armageddon, they could still flatten such popular hominid hangouts as Manhattan or downtown Des Moines. -- Seth Shostak
  • In the '90s there were these great end of the world movies like 'Armageddon' and 'Deep Impact'... I always liked the idea of what people on the ground are doing, not so much the people who are trying to stop the world from ending. -- Lorene Scafaria
  • Again and again as president, Reagan let it slip that he concurred with fundamentalists' belief that the world would end in a fiery Armageddon. This did not hurt him politically. The kind of people offended by such talk had already largely abandoned the Republican Party. -- Rick Perlstein
  • Armageddon is not a foreign policy. -- Madeleine Albright
  • Armageddon was yesterday, today we have a serious problem. -- Steig Larsson
  • The Republican Party: a few million gun-toting, Armageddon-ready Baptists. -- Barbara Ehrenreich
  • We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • This generation may be the one that will face Armageddon. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Mediocrity is gonna kill the world before Armageddon ever does. -- Emmylou Harris
  • If it should happen you wake up and Armageddon has come, lie still. -- William Edgar
  • So what if I cant spell Armageddon, its not the end of the world. -- Stewart Francis
  • Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your own home. -- Terry Pratchett
  • I bought some Armageddon cheese today, and it said on the packet 'Best Before End...' -- Tim Vine
  • If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. -- Douglas MacArthur
  • Apocalypse does not point to a fiery Armageddon, but to our ignorance and complacency coming to an end. -- Joseph Campbell
  • What would you pack for Armageddon? Sunscreen and shades? Flame-proof underwear? Maybe a travel guide to the Underworld? -- Jana Oliver
  • Armageddon. The slaughter of humanity. An atomic war no one wanted, but which no one had the wisdom to avoid. -- Edward Bernds
  • For the first time ever, everything is in place for the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ. -- Ronald Reagan
  • When Armageddon comes, it would be good to be an Olympic athlete, because running real fast and jumping over stuff could come in handy. -- Jack Handey
  • We get to see it! January 1st, 2000! We get to see... all those fundamentalist preachers having to do their backpedaling when the Armageddon doesn't occur. -- David Cross
  • No where else in Christianity does the terrible or heroic name of Armageddon play such role as in America. Not even in the Revelation of John. -- Jürgen Moltmann
  • We are within measurable, or imaginable, distance of a real Armageddon. Happily there seems to be no reason why we should be anything more than spectators. -- H. H. Asquith
  • I got frustrated with films like "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact," where the only answer to deal with a Near-Earth Object is basically Bruce Willis with a big drill. -- Nelly Ben Hayoun
  • I'm so pleased that I'm coming back to Armageddon, just to meet everyone. I'm very excited about doing it, I've heard great things about Armageddon and I'm just really excited to get there. -- Billy Boyd
  • Baseball is green and safe. It has neither the street intimidation of basketball nor the controlled Armageddon of football.... Baseball is a green dream that happens on summer nights in safe places in unsafe cities. -- Luke Salisbury
  • We fight in honourable fashion for the good of mankind; fearless of the future, unheeding of our individual fates, with unflinching hearts and undimmed eyes; we stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • If the Sunni and Shia, or those nations that surround Saudi Arabia and those nations that gather around Tehran or Iran fight each other, that is the trigger that will bring about the War of Armageddon. -- Louis Farrakhan
  • When we succeeded in winning the Cold War, escaping a nuclear Armageddon that could have killed us all, the U.S. inevitably had a serious problem about an encore: what now for our place in the world? -- Graham T. Allison
  • The world always seems like it's going to hell when you're depressed. And, of course, it always is going to hell in some way. That's what makes it so hard to tell the difference between Armageddon and the blues. -- Andrew Klavan
  • Thus, true long-term change is brought about not by destructive passion of the moment but by well-reasoned constructive action. Violent shock of Armageddon that leaves nothing in its wake but a blank slate is not a solution, only a postponement of progress. -- Vera Nazarian
  • The nuclear capability of Israel has resulted from this conspiracy, which provided for the highjacking of 200 tons of ore in 1968. The rumor was widespread in the knowledgeable circles of Salt Lake City that the Mormon Church had arranged to assist Israel in bringing off Armageddon. -- Mae Brussell
  • The "Powers That Be" are not smart enough to engineer Armageddon, but they may yet be stupid enough. If governments are involved in covering up the knowledge of aliens, then they are doing a much better job of it than they seem to do at anything else. -- Stephen Hawking
  • People talk about the 1960s in a nostalgic way, but to me it was terrifying. People were getting assassinated. There was Vietnam. There were race riots. It felt like everything was going to get blown up sky-high. It didn't feel like flower power. It felt like Armageddon. -- Sam Shepard
  • If she's so important, why aren't you here guarding her? (Wulf) Mostly because this ain't Buffy and there's not one single Hellmouth to guard. I'm up to my armpits in Armageddon down here in New Orleans and not even I can physically be in two places at once. (Acheron) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • Also, we will make promise. So long as The Blood endures, I shall know that your good is mine: ye shall feel that my strength is yours: In the day of Armageddon, at the last great fight of all, That Our House stand together and the pillars do not fall. -- Rudyard Kipling
  • I remember the first time Bill Fichtner and I had a scene together. I've seen him in a few movies, from Armageddon to The Perfect Storm and Contact, and suddenly he's on a bunk bed and I'm on a bunk bed and we're doing this scene together. That was a real 'pinch me' moment. -- Chris Vance
  • So a Holocaust-denying, virulently anti-Semitic, aspiring genocidist, on the verge of acquiring weapons of the apocalypse, believes that the end is not only near but nearer than the next American presidential election. (Pity the Democrats. They cannot catch a break.) This kind of man would have, to put it gently, less inhibition about starting Armageddon than a normal person. -- Charles Krauthammer
  • Here it is at last, the first 150-minute trailer. Armageddon is cut together like its own highlights. Take almost any 30 seconds at random, and you'd have a TV ad. The movie is an assault on the eyes, the ears, the brain, common sense, and the human desire to be entertained. No matter what they're charging to get in, it's worth more to get out. -- Roger Ebert
  • Why are we in this mess, now facing the prospect of economic armageddon? It's because the prevailing characteristic has been greed, and it doesn't matter whether it's individuals living beyond their means or governments living beyond their means or people seeking to get rich quick. -- Jeremy Paxton
  • Why are we in this mess, now facing the prospect of economic armageddon? It's because the prevailing characteristic has been greed, and it doesn't matter whether it's individuals living beyond their means or governments living beyond their means or people seeking to get rich quick. -- Jeremy Paxton
  • There are two 'Snow White' movies coming out for the same reason that you remember back in the day there was 'Armageddon' and then 'Deep Impact.' You know, 'Andromeda Strain' and then 'Outbreak.' Like, all of those things. It's common because basically studios have no imagination in making the decisions. -- Armie Hammer
  • I remember the first time Bill Fichtner and I had a scene together. I've seen him in a few movies, from 'Armageddon' to 'The Perfect Storm' and 'Contact,' and suddenly he's on a bunk bed and I'm on a bunk bed and we're doing this scene together. That was a real 'pinch me' moment. -- Chris Vance