Always Improving quotes:

  • I'm always improving and I want to get better and never hit a plateau. I find it an amazing adventure. -- Nigel Kennedy
  • Only the mediocre die always at their best. Real leaders are always improving - and raising their bar on how superbly they can perform and how quickly they can move. -- Jean Giraudoux
  • When we get together and rehearse, which is always living with each other, we always talk about what would make it better, what would mean more, what would say more. So we're always improving and growing. -- Alice Cooper
  • Those people who are always improving never become great. Greatness is an eminence, the ascent to which is steep and lofty, and which a man must seize on at once by natural boldness and vigor, and not by patient, wary steps. -- William Hazlitt
  • I think the world is always improving and always not improving. I think that both are simultaneously happening all the time. I don't think it's one motion unfortunately - I wish we could say it's better, better, better - but I think it's better, bad, better, bad - you know? -- Eve Ensler
  • I always had to keep improving my skills in order to remain competitive and keep winning. -- Edwin Moses
  • The humble ones are always learning and improving, and their secret is always that it's a secret. -- Criss Jami
  • The humble ones are always learning and improving, and their secret is always that it's a secret... -- Criss Jami
  • Change isn't always bad; we should always be learning and improving. But the change I was seeing involved principles, not procedures. -- Tony Dungy
  • The words "I Can't" should be permanently stricken from your vocabulary, especially the vocabulary of your thoughts. You must see yourself always growing and improving. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • That's the nature of comedy - you always want to be improving and growing and changing with what's happening in the world. That's when comedy is most effective. -- Margaret Cho
  • I have always observed that wherever you find the negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving. -- Robert E. Lee