Airwaves quotes:

  • Angels and Airwaves shows are like an ascension to Heaven. -- Tom DeLonge
  • I'm interested in a lot of different things, but first and foremost I'm into the idea of human consciousness, and Angels & Airwaves is a byproduct of that. -- Tom DeLonge
  • Angels and Airwaves is a complete, pure reflection of who I am. The philosophy, the spiritualism, the esotericism, the idea of hope and space and the themes about life and grandeur that's all me. -- Tom DeLonge
  • Angels and Airwaves is a complete, pure reflection of who I am. The philosophy, the spiritualism, the esotericism, the idea of hope and space and the themes about life and grandeur... that's all me. -- Tom DeLonge
  • I know how big Blink are and I know the legacy with it and everything, but Angels & Airwaves, to my heart and to the people who like it, this is the release of my life. -- Tom DeLonge
  • When we started Angels Airwaves, we wanted to produce our art on different mediums, but the film was an ambitious one because we actually didn't go into it thinking we could make a big feature film. -- Tom DeLonge
  • When we started Angels & Airwaves, we wanted to produce our art on different mediums, but the film was an ambitious one because we actually didn't go into it thinking we could make a big feature film. -- Tom DeLonge
  • The right wing has monopolized the AM radio airwaves. -- Bernie Sanders
  • The public gets not one penny from them in return for those airwaves. -- Robert McChesney
  • The concept that you cannot own the airwaves has caused far more harm than good. -- Adrian Cronauer
  • Without books, we might just melt into the airwaves and be just another set of blips. -- John Updike
  • The Eagles and the Captain and Tennille ruled the airwaves, and we were the answer to it. -- Joey Ramone
  • There were incredibly few rock songs making it out to the airwaves until the '80s came along. -- Joe Elliott
  • What's wrong with hip-hop is the system that controls the definition of it. There needs to be more balance on the airwaves. -- Saul Williams
  • Congress has repeatedly passed laws and otherwise raised a ruckus about indecent language on the broadcast airwaves used for radio and television. -- Reed Hundt
  • And understand that scarce spectrum is used today for example for cell phone operators, they have to pay for the airwaves they use, for their services. -- Robert McChesney
  • Violence and smut are of course everywhere on the airwaves. You cannot turn on your television without seeing them, although sometimes you have to hunt around. -- Dave Barry
  • I've come up in the scripted world, and I have wished there were more time slots for us to tell compelling scripted stories and not fill the airwaves with a lot of fluff and tabloid entertainment. -- Ralph Macchio
  • I still enjoy watching a batter successfully cross home plate, but nothing thrills me more than seeing the Holy Spirit at work in hearts as the Gospel is carried into stadiums, across the airwaves, and around the world. -- Billy Graham
  • Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians. -- Charles Krauthammer
  • Because we spoke so loudly, opponents of reproductive health access demonized and smeared me and others on the public airwaves. These smears are obvious attempts to distract from meaningful policy discussions and to silence women's voices regarding their own health care. -- Sandra Fluke
  • One big, glaring difference I can think of between Iraq and Vietnam is the news coverage. During the Vietnam War era, you had TV coverage of the war saturating the airwaves every night, and that coverage wasn't put through a military filter at all. -- Mark Boal
  • TV broadcasting is owned, in the sense that governments around the world have asserted power over the airwaves that permeate their territories, deciding who can use what bandwidth and why - and those with licenses then, with exceptions determined by regulators, decide what to broadcast. -- Jonathan Zittrain
  • It's all magic to me. Country to punk rock, all of it. Chopin to Kurt Cobain. But it always all comes back to punk for me, because that was the last time, punk rock or grunge rock, was the last time that passion ruled the airwaves. -- James Marsters
  • Flipping the dial through available radio stations there will blare out to any listener an array of broadcasts, 24/7, propagating Religious Right politics, along with what they deem to be 'old-time gospel preaching.' This is especially true of what comes over the airwaves in Bible Belt southern states. -- Tony Campolo
  • The late sixties and early seventies were kind of a breeding ground for exciting new sounds because easy listening and folk were kind of taking over the airwaves. I think it was a natural next step to take that blissful, easy-going sound and strangle the life out of it. -- Alice Cooper
  • I've never... when I was having songs on the airwaves, and that sort of thing, I never felt a sense of pressure anywhere except from myself, to do things the way I wanted to do them; to feel authentic; to feel like I was presenting my true self to the world. -- Mary Chapin Carpenter
  • The public owns the airwaves; Congress gave them to broadcasters for free, with the understanding that they would serve the public interest while trying to maximize profit. An aspect of serving the public is to use the immense power of electronic media to reflect evolving standards of respect for other people. -- Reed Hundt
  • Did you come of age in those sweet summers of the early nineteen-sixties, when the airwaves were full of rock and roll's doo-wop promise of joy and the nation was full of J.F.K.'s eloquent promise of a New Frontier? I did. Life seemed to be laid out before us like a banquet; everything was for the taking, especially hearts. -- John Lahr
  • I'm a little left of center, for sure, with Angels & Airwaves. But even when I get really weird, it's not that weird. It's not like some obscure Sonic Youth record or something. We don't take it quite that far. But what we do like are crescendos, and we do like when a song catches you off guard and it gives you the chills up and down your arms. -- Tom DeLonge
  • The public gets not one penny from them in return for those airwaves. -- Robert McChesney
  • The public airwaves provide a chance to affirm we want to be a good, decent people; a good, decent nation. -- Charles W. Pickering
  • Freeform radio is an art form. The airwaves are the empty canvas, the producer is the artist, and the sound is the paint. -- Julius Lester
  • The battle for the airwaves cannot be limited to only those who have the bank accounts to pay for the battle and win it. -- Walter Cronkite
  • Invisible airwaves crackle with life Bright antennae bristle with the energy Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free -- Geddy Lee
  • And understand that scarce spectrum is used today for example for cell phone operators, they have to pay for the airwaves they use, for their services. -- Robert McChesney
  • [The media] are using a national treasure--that's what the public airwaves are. And they have a responsibility to bring out the full diversity of opinion or lose their licenses. -- Amy Goodman
  • The polemics of right-wing radio are putting nothing less than hate onto the airwaves, into the marketplace, electing it to office, teaching it in schools, and exalting it as freedom. -- Patricia J. Williams
  • Now chart music is a genre all of its own and it's slipped away from what I understand pop music as. It's pretty difficult to take; it clogs up the airwaves. -- Johnny Marr
  • Thank you to BBC6 Music and Something Else for the opportunity to broadcast my corner of electronic and alternative music across the airwaves for the last 6 years. #รข?? RIP6MIX -- Erol Alkan
  • It's not written in the Constitution or anything else.... Congress, just out of the clear blue sky, said the airwaves belong to the people, which means, in essence, that it belongs to Congress. -- Adrian Cronauer
  • A babble of words that no one understands now fills the airwaves, and language loses all meaning as we sink slowly, mindlessly, into herstory rather than history because most rapists are men, aren't they? -- Gore Vidal
  • The Department of Justice should resolutely bar monopolizing mergers in all markets, including telecommunications, but they are not in a position, as is the FCC, to promote new competition by selling the airwaves in auctions. -- Reed Hundt
  • Our legislation addresses broadcasts over the public airwaves, but I hope the cable and satellite industries see the importance of this issue and voluntarily create a family tier of programming and offer culturally responsible products. -- Charles W. Pickering