Reporter #3 Quotes in Gamera vs. Guiron (1969)


Reporter #3 Quotes:

  • [inside an astronomical observatory, scientists hold a press conference]

    Reporter #1: Dr. Shiga! The same galactic waves were caught in England. Uh, last year, accordingly. Are they the same one?

    Dr. Shiga: No. That was different. The one before, was from beyond the solar system we think. But this one is very much nearer. According to our calculations.

    Reporter #2: Does that mean... people on Solar... are the same system planet?

    Dr. Shiga: No. That's hard to say. You have that ready?

    [Dr. Shiga points to some slides]

    Dr. Shiga: There's no! Air or water on the Moon? So no living thing inhabits it. As you know for sure. And... there are... no rivers on Mars. And on Venus... it has several hundred degrees Centigrade. And... the surface of... Jupiter is covered with... frozen ammonia. Saturn... is also... the same. No advanced vertebrates there, of course.

    Reporter #3: So... what do those waves mean?

    Dr. Shiga: Assuming. They come from... Proxima Cenauri


    Dr. Shiga: , which is nearest to us... How long? Will it take Apollo. One of the newest. Spaceships as you know. How long will it take us to get there do you think?

    [the audience mutters and mumbles to themselves]

    Dr. Shiga: Five hundred thousand years.

  • Reporter #1: [to McQueen] How you feeling?

    Reporter #2: [to McQueen] Have you seen the latest record Storm's been set?

    Reporter #3: [to McQueen] Have you given any thought to retiring?

    Reporter #4: [to McQueen] McQueen, over here!

  • Reporter: Thousands gathered to witness the maiden voyage of the Baron's technological marvel, Southland's newest wonder, the Treer MegaZeppelin.

    Reporter#2: the hills above Los Angeles today, while on the ground, authorities are bracing the first riots since 1992.

    Reporter#3: You can see right there a car bomb went off just moments ago.

  • Reporter #1: Are you gonna keep on with your detective work then?

    Nick Charles: I retired. I'm just going to take care of my wife's money, so I'll have something in my old age.

    Reporter #2: You said you'd retired in New York; but, I noticed you took that Thin Man case.

    Reporter #3: Oh, that Thin Man was a beaut! They're still talking about it.

    Reporter #1: Pick us up another Thin Man, will ya Nick?

  • [first lines]

    Reporter #1: Tonight, investigators are questioning the credibility of those clinical trials.

    Woman #1: I'm very angry. I can't believe doctors could betray so many people.

    Man #1: I was part of the initial test group for the drug Vypraxilin. And, I can say without a doubt it was probably the worst decision I've ever made in my life.

    Man #2: These people knowingly put out inaccurate information and they were being selective in the facts about the case.

    Woman #2: She looked at me and then collapsed. Her mouth filled with blood and... it was terrifying.

    Reporter #2: In fact, an investigation by the fda found no evidence of false data from Pierson pharmaceuticals.

    Reporter #3: This is the third death attributed to the medication, with many more claims surfacing each day.

    Woman #3: They need to be held accountable.

  • [last lines]

    Kit Winter: It's easy. It's like breathing. It's like a heartbeat.

    Reporter 1: Have you been following the Tom and Theo trial?

    Reporter 2: Where's Barnaby?

    Reporter 3: Carmen, who made your dress?

    Bouncer: Get that camera out of here!

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