Prins Valentijn Quotes in Alles is liefde (2007)


Prins Valentijn Quotes:

  • [Prins Valentijn climbed his way through the window of Kiki's appartment back to his hotel. Kiki followed him and jumps into the elevator with Valentijn just before it closes]

    Kiki Jollema: Don't say a word!! I don't know how you usually treat your dates but I won't put up with this!

    Prins Valentijn: [Kiki has a little cut on her cheek] Did you fall down? You're bleeding...

    Kiki Jollema: [pushes his arm away] Get lost!

    Prins Valentijn: I'm sorry... This wasn't supposed to happen...

    Kiki Jollema: Oh, so what happened tonight wasn't supposed to happen?

    Prins Valentijn: No that was supposed to happen!

    Kiki Jollema: But a kind of goodbye, a breakfast doesn't come to mind. No the girl shouldn't feel like it had any meaning!

    Prins Valentijn: It did have meaning... And that wasn't supposed to happen. I... I feel something for you... And I've never... Well it might sound really stupid but I've never had that before. That I really feel something. I think it's great... And scary... It makes me want to run away really fast but at the same time I just want to be with you, to be with...

    [She kisses him]

    Prins Valentijn: Wait... you have to know... I'm not...

    [She kisses him again]

    Kiki Jollema: I know exactly who you are...

    Prins Valentijn: You knew that the whole time? Why didn't you say anything...?

    Kiki Jollema: I don't know... I thought it was sweet how you got all dressed up for me. I wanted to see how far you'd go.

    Prins Valentijn: Well, pretty far...

    Kiki Jollema: Yeah, pretty far...

  • [from trailer]

    Prins Valentijn: Can I give you a ride home?

    Kiki Jollema: No. I'm actually waiting for my true love.

    Prins Valentijn: Who isn't? Now the question is. What do we do in the mean time?

  • Prins Valentijn: Kiki Jollema...

    Kiki Jollema: How do you know my name...? Oh, my name tag... DUH!

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