Penny Travis Quotes in Imaginary Heroes (2004)


Penny Travis Quotes:

  • Penny Travis: Is there such a thing as the human heart, now there's the better question.

    Tim Travis: Well, if you listen closely, you can hear 'em breaking.

  • Penny Travis: He's losing his mind.

    Sandy Travis: Penny. Things fall apart. And we put them back together.

  • Sandy Travis: I don't see why we should do this, Ben.

    Penny Travis: I agree. It's creepy, okay? This is *really* creeping me out.

    Sandy Travis: I won't be making all this extra food for every meal. It's wasteful.

    Tim Travis: It doesn't bring him back.

    Ben Travis: We do it because I say so. We'll do it because he *will* be alive at this table. And because he is my son. And because he was the *only* thing in this family. You'll make the food, and you'll shut the fuck up.

  • Mitchell Goldstein: College girls are the bomb.

    Penny Travis: You're tellin' me!

    Mitchell Goldstein: Oh, are you...

    Penny Travis: Tonight I am.

  • Tim Travis: What am I going to do for the rest of my life? All of a sudden it matters.

    Penny Travis: Well, Tim, the secret to the success of life is to find something you love. Is there something that you love?

    Tim Travis: Yes.

    Penny Travis: Good. And you have to do that for the rest of your life. And you'd better hope to hell that you're good at it, because if you're not you'll probably fail.

    Tim Travis: How do you know if you're good at it?

    Penny Travis: How do you know if you're good at it...

    Tim Travis: Yes.

    Penny Travis: People tell you.

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