Padre Quotes in The Magnificent Seven Ride! (1972)


Padre Quotes:

  • Padre: God works in strange ways.

    Marshall Chris Adams: Yeah, I know. He's got me confused most of the time, too.

  • Padre: Confess your sins, my son, and receive forgiveness before the Almighty.

    Captain Thomas Bartholomew Red: Well, Padre. I once had a mind to eat the Frog.

    Padre: God placed the beasts upon the Earth for man's sustenance, my son. Come now; what else besides?

    Captain Thomas Bartholomew Red: Beggin' your pardon, but that's the Frog standing alongside.

    [Nods toward his French shipmate]

    Padre: Well, now. That is another matter entirely...

  • [first lines]

    Padre: It's always good when you come here and we join our voices together in song. I'm only sorry that trouble brings you here.

    Roy Rogers: I'm sorry too, Padre, but I think with the help of my friends over the border here, we'll be able to get this thing straightened out.

  • [seeking the location of an old Mexican silver mine, Roy, Cookie, Lee and the Padre find a clue on one of the bells of San Angelo church]

    Padre: [reading the inscription] "As the sun rises, the shadow of my arms and the pillar of my strength shall mark that which God made and whence came the bells of San Angelo."

    Lee Madison: That's beautiful!

    Cookie Bullfincher: But what does it mean?

    Roy Rogers: "... The shadow of my arms and the pillar of my strength..." Arms, pillar - that must mean a cross! Cookie, do you know where there's a cross around here?

    Cookie Bullfincher: Sure! On top of the church.

    Roy Rogers: No, I mean up in the hills near the border where the mine could be.

    Padre: None now, but there was a shrine many years ago to which the people came to pray to Santa Guadalupe at Easter.

    Cookie Bullfincher: Sure, Padre, I remember. On your side of the border near some rimrock!

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