Lovis Quotes in Ronja Robbersdaughter (1984)


Lovis Quotes:

  • Fjosok: What will her name be?

    Lovis: Ronja. Like I've already decided long ago.

    Lill-Klippen: But what if it had been a boy?

    Lovis: If I've said that my child's name will be Ronja, it will be a Ronja.

  • Lovis: [singing] The wolf howls in the nightly woods. He wants to, but cannot sleep. Hunger claws his wolf stomach, and it's cold within him. You wolf, you wolf, do not come here. You'll never get my child.

  • Mattis: Take your son, Borka. But you cannot return a child to me, for I don't have one.

    Borka: What are you saying?

    Mattis: I'm saying you can have your son back. But you can't return a daughter to me, for I don't have a child.

    Lovis: But I've got one! Even though the child's father has gone more than a little bit crazy.

  • Skalle-Per: Vargklämman is snowed in, not a robber will get out all winter.

    Ronja: Snowed in? But how am I supposed to meet... I mean, how am I supposed to get out into the woods?

    Mattis: You won't get there until spring comes, Ronja mine.

    Lovis: What a nuisance. Twelve snowed in robbers, and then you to top it off Mattis.

  • Lovis: [after empting a bucket of water on Mattis] Can't a person get to throw things and have a bit of fun every once in a while, wasn't that what you said?

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