Lieutenant Anjo Quotes in Battle Royale II (2003)


Lieutenant Anjo Quotes:

  • The Prime Minister: Hey, teacher, what a mess, huh? Who do you think fired those missiles? We finally pissed that country off! I just got a call from their president. They're going to attack in 12 hours. What the hell's going on with your class? What are you waiting for? So what if a dozen kids die, it doesn't matter! Fire a missile and blow up the whole damned island!

    Sensei: You really mean that?

    The Prime Minister: You surprise me. I thought you were a full-fledged adult who'd cross the line a long time ago. You do understand, there are only two sides, the winners and losers.

    [Riki looks down then starts simmering]

    The Prime Minister: Which side are you on? Fight with that country for justice and freedom...

    Sensei: [interrupting] Cut the crap, you murderer!

    [throws chair]

    The Prime Minister: Huh, what?

    Sensei: Half a century ago, that country compared ours to a 12-year-old. How old does that make that country now? If any country pisses it off, it just bombs them. You call that adult behavior?

    The Prime Minister: Listen, the whole world's rallied by that country.

    Sensei: And who made that choice?

    The Prime Minister: So what the hell are you doing here?

    [Riki unzips his coat and reveals his necklace]

    The Prime Minister: I see. Too bad. I had hopes for you.

    [Riki looks furious. Prime Minister removes his glasses then we get a close up of him]

    The Prime Minister: Exercising my full power as Prime Minister, I call upon the armed forces. Prepare for battle immediately. Before that country launches its missiles. I want every last terrorist and Nanahara Shuya, *dead*.

    Lieutenant Anjo: Attention! Salute!

    [Riki furiously throws an object at the Prime Minister's screen. Prime Minister ducks for safety. Riki walks away]

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