Lead Stewardess Quotes in The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004)


Lead Stewardess Quotes:

  • [Peter Sellers is flying to Rome to film The Pink Panther. As the stewardess is announcing that the plane will be landing shortly, he emerges from the toilet having shaved off his beard into a moustache]

    Peter Sellers: [In a caricatured French accent] Yes, I am looking for my tru-urngk.

    Lead Stewardess: Your tru-urng?

    Peter Sellers: What?

    Lead Stewardess: You said tru-urng?

    Peter Sellers: I know perfectly well what I said!

    Lead Stewardess: Right. I don't understand.

    Peter Sellers: Are you not familiar with Her Majesty's tongue?

    Lead Stewardess: Yes I am. And I can assure you, the word "tru-urng" does not exist in our language.

    Peter Sellers: Then I demand to spick with the person in chhargge.

    Lead Stewardess: I am the person in charge, sir.

    Peter Sellers: Ah! Then I demand to spick with you.

    Lead Stewardess: You are speaking to me.

    Peter Sellers: Of course I am spicking with you. What kind of a crazy stewardess thinks a passenger stands, spicking with himself?

    Lead Stewardess: What kind of a passenger puts everyone's lives at risk just before a landing, hm?

    Peter Sellers: Our lives are at risk!

    [the other passengers are startled]

    Lead Stewardess: [Over the loudspeaker] Our lives are not at risk.

    [to Sellers]

    Lead Stewardess: Now sit down and belt up. I'm getting completely lost!

    Peter Sellers: Lorst?

    [He moves back down the aisle]

    Lead Stewardess: French twa...

    [She realises she's still holding the phone for the loudspeaker, she hangs up]

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