Lawrence Murphy Quotes in Chisum (1970)


Lawrence Murphy Quotes:

  • Justice J.B. Wilson: Mr. Murphy. Just how much of Lincoln County are you after?

    Lawrence Murphy: Well, Mr. Chisum came out here several years ago, put his name on everything he could. I've only been here a little while. Just getting started. Do you have anything to say to that, Mr. Chisum?

    John Simpson Chisum: Well I don't favor talking to vermin, but I'll talk to you just this once. You're not just getting started. The line's been drawn. What Billy did balanced the books so far. But if one of your men cross my land or even touch one of my cows, or do anything to that store, I'm not going to the sheriff, the governor, or the president of the United States. I'm coming to see you.

    Lawrence Murphy: Hmph. Mr. Chisum, that sounds like a threat.

    John Simpson Chisum: [John Chisum belts Murphy, knocking him down with his right fist] Wrong word. FACT!

  • Lawrence Murphy: Sheriff Brady, Jess Evans, this is Alex McSween. Uh, he's part of the family.

    Jess Evans: Howdy.

    Sheriff Brady: What does he do?

    Lawrence Murphy: Well, he used to be a storekeeper and now he's my lawyer.

    Jess Evans: I prefer storekeepers!

    Alex McSween: Then don't ever get arrested.

    Jess Evans: I don't intend to.

  • Jess Evans: Why get in a frazzle over Chisum? You turn me loose on him... there'll be a sudden funeral right here in Lincoln.

    Lawrence Murphy: Uh-huh. Yours.

    Jess Evans: How's that?

    Lawrence Murphy: Do you play chess?

    Jess Evans: Chess? What the hell has that got to do with Chisum?

    Lawrence Murphy: Everything. You just leave him alone. I'll take care of Mr. Chisum.

    Sheriff Brady: That ain't gonna be easy.

    Lawrence Murphy: You're right. But see, there's a fundamental difference between Mr. Chisum and me.

    Sheriff Brady: Yeah, what's that?

    Lawrence Murphy: Mr. Chisum is a man who respects the law.


    Lawrence Murphy: Around here, I'm the man who owns it.

  • Lawrence Murphy: And you good people witnessed the cowardly and cold-blooded murder of our beloved Sheriff Brady by Billy "the Kid" Bonney right over there. Governor Axtell has appointed a new sheriff, Dan Nodeen. He's offered a $200 award for the kid, and I'm adding a further reward of $1,000, dead or alive.

    [Crowd murmurs "$1200"]

    Lawrence Murphy: Sheriff here has formed his posse. Oh... Have you got anything you want to add to that, Sheriff?

    Dan Nodeen: Just this. I'm going to bring Bonney in. Now you people can either help me, or stay the hell out of my way!

  • Lawrence Murphy: What's so funny?

    Jess Evans: This is the first time I ever put somebody else's brand on our own cows.

  • Sheriff Brady: [after Garrett busts in a card game] I sure left Garrett holding the short end. Big Casino.


    Lawrence Murphy: I'm not so sure you won that game.

    Sheriff Brady: Sure I did.

    Lawrence Murphy: Yeah. Sure you did.

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