Jerry Lambert Quotes in Predator 2 (1990)


Jerry Lambert Quotes:

  • Jerry Lambert: Lieutenant, I've paid my dues. I had to bust my ass to get my transfer.

  • Jerry Lambert: [noticing footage on a subway public television of himself assaulting Tony Pope] H-Hey, it's me! I look great!

    Leona Cantrell: Oh, shut up.

    Jerry Lambert: [to elderly man recognizing him from the footage] No autographs Pop.

  • Leona Cantrell: Hey, are your balls okay?

    Jerry Lambert: Fine. How are yours?

  • Leona Cantrell: I have heard about you.

    Jerry Lambert: Yeah?

    Leona Cantrell: Yeah. Like your last partner got shot.

    Jerry Lambert: What?

    Leona Cantrell: Well...

    Leona Cantrell: [grabs Jerry's testicles] Try that cowboy shit with me, fucker, and you can kiss these goodbye.

  • Jerry Lambert: Shit, if the Colombians did all this, then why'd they leave their boss Ramon over there hanging ten and his girlfriend naked on the floor?

  • Jerry Lambert: Yeah. They're setting up these weird radar sensors all over downtown. I mean, I used my whole repertoire just to keep up with 'em. I had scanners on them, but they scrambled my shit up. They had equipment I can't even begin to touch, and then this morning... I lost 'em.

  • Jerry Lambert: Okay everybody, just take a deep breath. Loosen your sphincters. We don't need any rush hour Rambos here.

  • Jerry Lambert: And you told me, lieutenant, "the only way you survive down here is because you're a team." "The door swings both ways," remember?

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