Elizabeth Curtis Quotes in King Solomon's Mines (1950)


Elizabeth Curtis Quotes:

  • Allan Quatermain: Stupid waste, this safari. All of it! Half our supplies gone after that all-night stampede. Wasted! Waste of time, supplies, and lives.

    Elizabeth Curtis: [Glares at him, too sleepy to argue]

    Allan Quatermain: [Sarcastic] Well, I hope the lady enjoyed it!

    Elizabeth Curtis: [Ignores him]

  • Allan Quatermain: I think I ought to warn you - you've come on a hopeless errand.

    Elizabeth Curtis: My brother told me your reasons. There was one argument he neglected to use.

    Allan Quatermain: Oh, what was that?

    Elizabeth Curtis: Money.

    Allan Quatermain: It's a very good argument.

    Elizabeth Curtis: I'm willing to pay anything - beyond reason, of course.

    Allan Quatermain: Why are you so determined to go on with this? I can understand your planning it before you knew its dangers, but now... your brother must have told you.

    Elizabeth Curtis: Are you sure you're not exaggerating the dangers? With proper equipment and your services, we should be able to manage. I'm not afraid.

    Allan Quatermain: Your courage does you no credit, Mrs. Curtis. It's the result of ignorance.

    Elizabeth Curtis: What is your usual fee for a safari, Mr. Quatermain?

    Allan Quatermain: Oh, two hundred pounds and all expenses. I wouldn't undertake this one for five hundred.

    Elizabeth Curtis: Would you for five thousand?

  • Allan Quatermain: It's occurred to me that since your husband's body was never found, you can't inherit his money until you prove that he's dead. That could be the reason for this visit.

    Elizabeth Curtis: One of the reasons my husband went looking for that diamond mine was a possibly foolish hope of finding a fortune of his own. You see, I hold all the wealth there is in the family.

    Allan Quatermain: Well, then, I still don't understand.

    Elizabeth Curtis: What? That I'd be willing to risk my life for my husband?

    Allan Quatermain: That you're proposing to throw it away. That's not normal. It has a smell of sickness about it.

    Elizabeth Curtis: I happen to love my husband. Perhaps, that's an emotion that you are incapable of understanding.

    Allan Quatermain: Perhaps.

    Elizabeth Curtis: Perhaps, you've never known a woman truly in love.

    Allan Quatermain: Perhaps, but I have known people who make elaborate sacrifices for reasons they themselves don't quite understand. Sometimes, it's to expiate a feeling of guilt. Sometimes, it's...

    Elizabeth Curtis: If I were you, I'd examine my OWN motives, Mr. Quatermain. A man who doesn't care whether he lives or dies is not exactly a wholesome specimen. I'm risking my life for a man I love. You're doing it for money.

    Allan Quatermain: Mrs...

    Elizabeth Curtis: No, no, no, not your son. There are things you can do for him other than toss your life away. What's YOUR sickness, Mr. Quatermain? Nothing to live for?

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