Eema Quotes in Year One (2009)


Eema Quotes:

  • Oh: [Oh and Eema come back out after having sex] She's not a virgin anymore!

    Eema: He's not a virgin either.

    Oh: I saved a life with my love making!

  • Yar: Hey, old girl, you're wandering off a bit.

    Eema: [panting] That's all I need: a monkey on my back.

  • Baylene: Oh, joy. Blisters!

    Eema: I got blisters ON my blisters.

    Yar: You don't wanna know where *I* got blisters...

  • Plio: [Bruton is found wounded] We can't just leave him here!

    Eema: We can if we move fast enough.

  • [They enter a cave]

    Aladar: It's dark, but at least it's dry.

    Eema: I like dry. It's the dark part I'm having trouble with.

  • Eema: Move over, everybody. Bringin' in babies is what *I* do best!

    Yar: I'd say it's been a few years since you've hatched an egg.

    Eema: [laughing] You're right -

    [stops, serious]

    Eema: so let me practice on your head!

  • Baylene: Oh, Eema! I wish we were at your nesting grounds now! All this pushing and shoving about, just for a place to sleep! I'm not used to this kind of behavior.

    Eema: Baylene, you've got big feet, just give 'em a kick!

    [Shoves a smaller animal]

    Eema: GET!

    Baylene: Oh, I couldn't possibly... eh, shoo! Shoo!

    Eema: Would you come on, Baylene? If you wanna get to the nesting grounds alive, show some backbone!

    Aladar: Hey there!

    Eema: Ahhh!

  • Eema: Walkin' backwards, huh? Well, let me know if that gets you there any faster. Keep those little legs moving earl, or you'll get left behind.

  • Yar: If I could sleep THAT deep, I'd be in paradise.

    Eema: If you could sleep THAT deep, honey, you'd be dead.

  • Aladar: [waking up the others] Let's go, let's go! Carnotaurs!

    Yar: Carno-what?

    Eema: Carnotaur! A mouthful of teeth with a bad attitude, let's go!

  • [Aladar dashes off to warn of the landslide]

    Eema: Aladar, wait, wait! Kron'll eat you alive!

    Aladar: Let him try.

    [Aladar dashes off]

    Eema: [sighing] I hope Kron's in a listening mood...

  • Aladar: [after spooking Eema] Oh... sorry about that. It's just that, we overheard you talking and, um...

    [Url drops a rock enthusiastically at his feet, Aladar looks confused]

    Eema: Well, my word. Look at Url. He doesn't normally warm up to strangers so fast.

    Baylene: [Sniffing the lemurs on Aladar's back] What an unfortunate blemish.

    Eema: A good mud bath'll clear those right up.

    Yar: *Excuse* me?

    [Eema jumps back, appalled]

  • Baylene: Oh, my goodness. It looks like a very long walk.

    Eema: And hot! If you smell somethin' sizzlin', could be me!

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Characters on Year One (2009)