different between nutella vs peanutbutter





  1. Nutella (genericized trademark)



From the brand name Nutella.


nutella m (plural nutellas)

  1. Nutella (sweet spread including hazelnut and chocolate)
    • 2004, Alexandre Desrameaux, né d'une pierre jetée dans l'eau calme, Fernand Lanore, ?ISBN, page 80:
      L'écorce des arbres a le goût du nutella séché : j'ai envie de me jeter sur eux mais ils me rendent trop triste car je ne peux pas.
    • 2004, L'amour en ligne..., Editions Le Manuscrit, ?ISBN, volume 1, page 126:
      et le sucre, la confiture... la miel... la nutella... mmmmm [] et des mains qui roulent une crêpe, et doucement te l'approchent de la bouche, le miel coule, sur tes lèvres, ton cou, imagine les miennes.
    • 2008, Ebène, Poèmes en saisons, Editions Publibook, ?ISBN, page :
      Rien n'a jamais été aussi croustillant que ma vie dans tes bras. / Comme d'habitude au contact de tes doigts, / Je fondrais pour toi comme du nutella. / Ta peau laiteuse sur mon corps évanoui / Tourbillonneront dans une valse délicieuse / Se mêlant comme dans un bol de banania.
    • 2009, Dominique Auzias and Jean-Paul Labourdette, Brésil, Petit Futé, ?ISBN, edition 6, page 275:
      Entre pizza au nutella et pizza à la mozarella de bufflonne, plus de quarante variétés de pizzas et de plats différents dans ce temple de la pizza.
    • 2009, Dominique Auzias and Jean-Paul Labourdette, Escapades autour de Toulouse, Petit Futé, ?ISBN, edition 6, page 66:
      Parmi les spécialités, il faut signaler les biscuits maison au nutella, au coco et à la cannelle et au rayon nouveautés, il faut se précipiter sur les macarons, les sucettes au chocolat, la guimauve...
    • 2010, Sophie Da Costa, Le Petit Futé Yvelines, Petit Futé, ?ISBN, page 169:
      Notez ce camembert gratiné chapelure et parmesan, cette souris d'agneau à la crème de thym ou ce pain perdu à la sauce nutella.
    • 2010, Ann-Kathrin Ehlers, Crime en Bretagne, Verbrechen in der Bretagne, Langenscheidt Publishing Grp, ?ISBN, page 28:
      “Vous voulez vos crêpes au sucre, au nutella, au citron ou à la confiture?”


Alternative forms

  • Nutella


Coined in the late 2010s. Named after the brand of chocolate spread, which is stereotypically associated with spoiled children.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /nu?t?.l?/


nutella (invariable, comparable)

  1. (Brazil, slang) modernised or evolved to the point of being objectionable, such as: (of a person) fussy, spoiled; (of a person or practice) poseurish, pretentious; (of a person, practice or object) illegitimate, inauthentic; (of a practice, ideology, symbol or similar) lite, watered-down
    Antonym: raiz
    • 2019, Alon Feuerwerker, Brasil em capítulos: Um olhar sobre a política, do impeachment às eleições de 2018, Imprimatur, page 429:
      Mas se o nome do PSDB fosse de direita raiz, e não nutella, é razoável supor que seria mais competitivo e as bancadas não sofreriam tanto.
      But if the Brazilian Social Democratic Party had had a traditional right-wing name, rather than an alt-lite name, it is reasonable to assume that it would have been more competitive and that their representatives would not have suffered so much.

Usage notes

When describing people, this term is usually used in reference to a group of people (such as an age group, a profession or a class of family members) rather than an individual, and it is usually compared with a raiz (roots) counterpart, which is authentic, time-honoured and unobjectionable.



nutella m (plural nutellas)

  1. Nutella
  2. any chocolate spread

nutella From the web:

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  • what nutella goes well with
  • what nutella really looks like
  • what nutella contains
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  • what nutella is actually made of
  • what nutella is really made of
  • what nutella meaning




  • (UK) IPA(key): /?pi?n?t?b?.t?/
  • (US) IPA(key): /?pi.n?t?b?.t?/


peanutbutter (countable and uncountable, plural peanutbutters)

  1. Alternative spelling of peanut butter



Borrowed from English peanut butter.


  • IPA(key): /pi?n?tb?t?r/, [?p?i?n?b??b??d??]


peanutbutter n (singular definite peanutbutteret, not used in plural form)

  1. peanut butter [from 1969]


  • jordnøddesmør

peanutbutter From the web:

  • what peanut butter is safe for dogs
  • what peanut butter has xylitol
  • what peanut butter is healthy
  • what peanut butter is keto
  • what peanut butter is vegan
  • what peanut butter can dogs have
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  • what peanut butter brand is safe for dogs

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