different between negociation vs meeting




negociation (countable and uncountable, plural negociations)

  1. Obsolete form of negotiation.
    • 1863, Sheridan Le Fanu, The House by the Churchyard, Chapter VIII
      [T]he young gentleman [] left the doctor to himself, to conduct the negociation with Loftus.
    • 1888, The Folk-Lore Journal, Marriage Customs of the Moors of Ceylon
      Among the wealthy families, early marriages were the rule, and the matches were often made even before the girls had reached their teens. In all cases where eligible matchams, i.e. cousins or sons of mothers' brothers or fathers' sisters were available, preference was accorded to them — almost as a matter of right. In the absence of any such, a young man of equal caste was fixed on, and negociations with his relations commenced. The paper then described these negociations, dwelling at length on the arrangements entered into with regard to dowry, and then proceeding to tell of all the feasts and ceremonies connected with a Moorish marriage.
    • 1909, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Letter to Leo Tolstoy
      The negociations that were going on for a settlement of the question have practically fallen through
    • 1921, Joseph Armitage Robinson, Bishop Jocelin and the Interdict
      K. Richard was taken prisoner at the end of that year, and Savary saw a new opportunity. He was in the forefront of the negociations for the king's release, for he claimed cousinship with the Emperor Henry.
      At the beginning of the new year the pope made another move in the game. Finding the interdict unavailing, he threatened to excommunicate the king in person. John replied as before by opening negociations.
    • 1960, United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization, Convention against Discrimination in Education, Article 8
      Any dispute which may arise between any two or more States Parties to this Convention concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, which is not settled by negociation shall at the request of the parties to the dispute be referred, failing other means of settling the dispute, to the International Court of Justice for decision.

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  • (UK) IPA(key): /?mi?t??/
  • (US) IPA(key): /?mit??/, [?mi???]
  • Rhymes: -i?t??
  • Homophone: meting

Etymology 1

From Middle English meeting, meting, from Old English m?ting, ?em?ting (meeting, assembly, association, society), equivalent to meet +? -ing. Cognate with West Frisian moeting (meeting, encounter), Dutch ontmoeting (meeting, encounter). Compare also German Low German Möte (meeting, encounter), Danish møde (meeting, encounter), Swedish möte (meeting, encounter), Icelandic mót (meeting). Related to moot.


meeting (countable and uncountable, plural meetings)

  1. (gerund, uncountable) The act of persons or things that meet.
  2. A gathering of persons for a purpose; an assembly.
    We need to have a meeting about that soon.
    • 2019, VOA Learning English (public domain)
      In a meeting with government officials, Moon noted that China was “much more advanced” than South Korea in rain-making technologies, his spokesman said.
  3. (collective) The people at such a gathering.
    What has the meeting decided.
  4. An encounter between people, even accidental.
    They came together in a chance meeting on the way home from work.
  5. A place or instance of junction or intersection; a confluence.
    Earthquakes occur at the meeting of tectonic plates.
  6. (rural US, dated) A religious service held by a charismatic preacher in small towns in the United States.
    • 1939, John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, p. 20:
      You use ta give a good meetin'. I recollect one time you give a whole sermon walkin' around on your hands, yellin' your head off.
  7. (Quakerism) An administrative unit in the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
    Denver meeting is a part of Intermountain yearly meeting.
Usage notes
  • When "meeting" is used to mean a Quaker administrative group, it is often qualified by an indication of how often the group holds regular business meetings, such as "monthly meeting", "quarterly meeting", or "yearly meeting". When the qualifier is omitted, the term is assumed to mean monthly meeting.
  • assembly
  • convocation
  • gathering
Derived terms

Etymology 2

From Middle English metynge, metinde, metand, from Old English m?tende, *?em?tende, from Proto-Germanic *m?tijandz, present participle of Proto-Germanic *m?tijan? (to meet), equivalent to meet +? -ing.



  1. present participle of meet


  • teeming


Alternative forms

  • mítink


  • IPA(key): [?mi?t??k]


meeting m

  1. meeting

Further reading

  • meeting in P?íru?ní slovník jazyka ?eského, 1935–1957
  • meeting in Slovník spisovného jazyka ?eského, 1960–1971, 1989



Borrowed from English meeting.


  • IPA(key): /mi.ti?/


meeting m (plural meetings)

  1. large, public gathering (not used in other senses of "meeting")
    un meeting aérien
    an air show

Further reading

  • “meeting” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).



Borrowed from English meeting.


  • IPA(key): /?mi.tin?/, /?mi.tin/
  • Hyphenation: mee?ting


meeting m (invariable)

  1. meeting (gathering of people for a purpose)
    Synonym: riunione


Alternative forms

  • mítingue (prescriptive)


Borrowed from English meeting.


  • IPA(key): (Portugal) /?mi.t?.?(?)/, [?mi.t?.?(?)]


meeting m (plural meetings)

  1. conference (a formal event where scientists present their research results in speeches, workshops, posters or by other means.)
    Synonym: conferência
  2. meeting, gathering (a gathering of persons for a purpose; an assembly.)
    Synonym: encontro
  3. meet (a sports competition, especially for track and field or swimming.)
    Synonym: prova




  • IPA(key): /?mitin/, [?mi.t??n]


meeting m (plural meetings)

  1. meeting

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