different between leader vs combatant




From Middle English leder, ledere, from Old English l?dere (leader), equivalent to lead +? -er. Cognate with Scots ledar, leidar (leader), West Frisian lieder (leader), Dutch leider (leader), German Leiter (leader, conductor, manager), Danish leder (leader, manager), Swedish ledare (leader, conductor, director), Icelandic leiðari (leader, conductor).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /?li?.d?(?)/
  • (US, Canada) IPA(key): /?lid?/
    • Homophones: liter, litre
  • Rhymes: -i?d?(?)
  • Homophone: lieder


leader (plural leaders)

  1. any person that leads or directs
    1. one who goes first
    2. one having authority to direct
      Synonyms: chief, chieftain, commander
    3. one who leads a political party or group of elected party members; sometimes used in titles
      Leader of the House of Commons
      Senate Majority Leader
    4. a person or organization that leads in a certain field in terms of excellence, success, etc.
    5. (music) a performer who leads a band, choir, or a section of an orchestra
      Synonym: conductor
    6. (music, Britain) the first violin in a symphony orchestra; the concertmaster
  2. an animal that leads
    1. the dominant animal in a pack of animals, such as wolves or lions
      Synonyms: alpha, pack leader
    2. an animal placed in advance of others, especially on a team of horse, oxen, or dogs
    3. Either of the two front horses of a team of four in front of a carriage.
      Antonym: wheeler
  3. someone or something that leads or conducts
    (person that leads or conducts): Synonyms: guide, conductor
    1. (botany) a fast-growing terminal shoot of a woody plant
    2. a pipe for conducting rain water from a roof to a cistern or to the ground
    3. (Britain) the first, or the principal, editorial article in a newspaper; a leading or main editorial article; a lead story
    4. (fishing) a section of line between the main fishing line and the snell of a hook, intended to be more resistant to bites and harder for a fish to detect than the main fishing line
    5. a piece of material at the beginning or end of a reel or roll to allow the material to be threaded or fed onto something, as a reel of film onto a projector or a roll of paper onto a rotary printing press
    6. (marketing) a loss leader or a popular product sold at a normal price
    7. (printing) a type having a dot or short row of dots upon its face
    8. (printing, in the plural) a row of dots, periods, or hyphens, used in tables of contents, etc., to lead the eye across a space to the right word or number
    9. (fishing) a net for leading fish into a pound, weir, etc.
    10. (mining) a branch or small vein, not important in itself, but indicating the proximity of a better one
    11. (nautical) a block of hard wood pierced with suitable holes for leading ropes in their proper places
    12. A blank introductory portion of tape or film to assist with loading and playback.
    13. (engineering) the drive wheel in any kind of machinery
      Synonyms: driver, drive wheel
    14. (meteorology) the path taken by electrons from a cloud to ground level, determining the shape of a bolt of lightning


  • For quotations using this term, see Citations:leader.


  • follower

Derived terms



See also


  • leader at OneLook Dictionary Search


  • dealer, leared, red ale, redeal, relade, relead


Alternative forms

  • leadeur


Borrowed from English leader.


  • IPA(key): /li.dœ?/


leader m (plural leaders)

  1. leader


  • chef
  • dirigeant


  • Turkish: lider

Further reading

  • “leader” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).


  • dealer



Borrowed from English leader.


  • IPA(key): /?li.der/
  • Hyphenation: lea?der


leader m or f (invariable)

  1. leader (chief; one in front)


  • lederà



leader m or f (plural leaderes)

  1. Alternative form of líder

leader From the web:

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  • what leaders do
  • what leadership means




Inherited from late Middle English combataunt, from Middle French combatant. Doublet of combattant.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /?k?m.b?.t?nt/
  • (US, Canada) IPA(key): /k?m.?bæ.t?nt/


combatant (plural combatants)

  1. A person engaged in combat, often armed.
    • c. 1591, William Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 1, Act IV, Scene 1,[1]
      Come hither, you that would be combatants:
      Henceforth I charge you, as you love our favour,
      Quite to forget this quarrel and the cause.
    • 1789, Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, London: for the author, Volume 1, Chapter 3, p. 112,[2]
      On the passage, one day, for the diversion of those gentlemen, all the boys were called on the quarter deck, and were paired proportionably, and then made to fight; after which the gentlemen gave the combatants from five to nine shillings each.
    • 1820, Walter Scott, Ivanhoe, Chapter 12,[3]
      If any combatant was struck down, and unable to recover his feet, his squire or page might enter the lists, and drag his master out of the press; but in that case the knight was adjudged vanquished []
    • 1992, William M. Hutchins and Angele Botros Samaan (translators), Sugar Street by Naguib Mahfouz, New York: Anchor Books, 1993, Chapter 48, p. 271,[4]
      [] Don’t you realize that alcohol is an essential part of heroism? The combatant and the drunkard are brothers, you genius.”

Derived terms

  • contractor combatant
  • enemy combatant
  • illegal combatant
  • non-combatant


  • battler
  • fighter



combatant (comparative more combatant, superlative most combatant)

  1. Contending; disposed to contend.
    • 1641, Ben Jonson, The Magnetic Lady, New York: Henry Holt, 1914, Act III, Scene 5, p. 65,[5]
      Their valours are not yet so combatant,
      Or truly antagonistick, as to fight;
  2. Involving combat.
    • 1921, John Dos Passos, Three Soldiers, New York: Modern Library, 1932, Part Two, Chapter 1, p. 71,[6]
      He wished he were in a combatant service; he wanted to fight, fight.

Middle French


combatant (feminine singular combatante, masculine plural combatans, feminine plural combatantes)

  1. present participle of combatre
  2. (may be preceded by en, invariable) gerund of combatre



From French combattant.


combatant m or n (feminine singular combatant?, masculine plural combatan?i, feminine and neuter plural combatante)

  1. fighting


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