different between kamancha vs kyamancha




kamancha (plural kamanchas)

  1. Alternative spelling of kamancheh
    • 1919, The New Armenia, volumes 11-12, page 160:
      They always carry with them their saz or tar or kamancha, Oriental instruments, on which they accompany their songs. [] There is something else that is a part of his life, namely, his kamancha. He threatens to cut the strings []
    • 2005, David C. King, Azerbaijan, page 95:
      Most mugams consist of a singer, a kamancha player, and a tar player. [] The kamancha has a round opening and []
    • 2006, Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham, Jon Lusk, The Rough Guide to World Music: Africa & Middle East:
      His favourite instrument was the kamancha and one of his most famous songs is dedicated to this instrument []

kamancha From the web:




kyamancha (plural kyamanchas)

  1. Alternative spelling of kamancheh
    • 1972, ?? ?? ??? ????????: ???????? ???? ???????:
      He recalled the heated discussions at the monastery and the monk who had insisted that the kyamancha and tar were native Armenian musical instruments, that modulation was typical of Armenian songs which were always soulful and mournful.
    • 1985, ???? ???????, ? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????:
      The kyamancha was invented in the eleventh century and at first had only three strings. A musician named Alexander Organyan invented a kyamancha with four strings, and his daughter, Sophia Sardaryan, played one of these instruments [...]
    • 1986, Music in the USSR:
      [...] combines in his works stylistically differing material such as ancient monodic forms, with free dodecaphony and sonoristic structures, and employs in his orchestra traditional instruments — the duduk, the zurna and the kyamancha.

kyamancha From the web:


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