different between huggle vs juggle




Frequentative of hug: hug +? -le.


huggle (third-person singular simple present huggles, present participle huggling, simple past and past participle huggled)

  1. (Internet, childish) To hug and snuggle simultaneously: gesture of tender non-sexual affection.
  2. (Internet) To hug and cuddle.
  3. (archaic) To huddle.
    • Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, e.g. in William Allingham, The ballad book: a selection of the choicest British ballads, Sever and Francis, 1865, p. 269.
      Lie still, lie still, thou little Musgrave, | And huggle me from the cold; | 'tis nothing but a shepherds boy, | A-driving his sheep to fold.


huggle (plural huggles)

  1. (Internet, childish) A hug while snuggling: gesture of tender non-sexual affection.


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From Middle English jogelen, partly a back-formation of Middle English jogeler (juggler), and partly a borrowing from Old French jogler, jongler (to have fun with someone), a conflation of Latin jocul?ri (to jest; joke) and Old French jangler (to regale; entertain; have fun; trifle with; tease; mess around; gossip; boast; meddle), from Frankish *jangal?n (to chit-chat with; gossip), akin to Middle Dutch jankelen (to murmur; whisper; mumble; grumble), frequentative of Middle Dutch janken (to moan; groan; complain). Related also to Middle Low German janken (to sigh; moan; lament), Dutch jengelen (to whine; whimper) Dutch janken (to whine; wimper).


  • IPA(key): /?d????l/
  • Rhymes: -???l


juggle (third-person singular simple present juggles, present participle juggling, simple past and past participle juggled)

  1. To manipulate objects, such as balls, clubs, beanbags, rings, etc. in an artful or artistic manner. Juggling may also include assorted other circus skills such as the diabolo, devil sticks, hat, and cigar box manipulation as well.
    She can juggle flaming torches.
  2. To handle or manage many tasks at once.
    He juggled home, school, and work for two years.
  3. (transitive, intransitive) To deceive by trick or artifice.
  4. (intransitive, archaic) To joke or jest.
  5. (intransitive, archaic) To perform magic tricks.

Derived terms



juggle (plural juggles)

  1. (juggling) The act of throwing and catching each prop at least twice, as opposed to a flash.
  2. The handling or managing of many tasks at once.
    • 2018, Catherine Blyth, Enjoy Time (page 100)
      Quit the juggle and monotask.
  3. (archaic) The performance of a magic trick.
  4. (archaic) A deceit or imposture.


See also

  • too many balls in the air

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