different between conduct vs manship




From Late Latin conductus (defense, escort), from Latin conductus, perfect passive participle of cond?c? (bring together); see also conduce. Doublet of conduit.


  • (noun)
    • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?k?nd?kt/
    • (US) enPR: k?n'd?kt, IPA(key): /?k?nd?kt/
  • (verb)
    • enPR: k?nd?kt', IPA(key): /k?n?d?kt/
  • Rhymes: -?kt


conduct (countable and uncountable, plural conducts)

  1. The act or method of controlling or directing
    • 1785, William Paley, The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy
      There are other restrictions imposed upon the conduct of war, not by the law of nature primarily, but by the laws of war first, and by the law of nature as seconding and ratifying the laws of war.
    • 1843, Henry Brougham, Political Philosophy
      the conduct of the state, the administration of its affairs, its policy, and its laws, are for more uncertain
  2. Skillful guidance or management; leadership
    • 1722 (first printed) Edmund Waller, Poems, &c. written upon several occasions, and to several persons
      Conduct of armies is a prince's art.
    • 1769, William Robertson, The history of the reign of Emperor Charles V
      [] attacked the Spaniards [] with great impetuosity, but with so little conduct, that his forces were totally routed.
    • 1841, Charles Dickens, Barnaby Rudge Chapter 49
      At the head of that division which had Westminster Bridge for its approach to the scene of action, Lord George Gordon took his post; with Gashford at his right hand, and sundry ruffians, of most unpromising appearance, forming a kind of staff about him. The conduct of a second party, whose route lay by Blackfriars, was entrusted to a committee of management
  3. behaviour; the manner of behaving
    Good conduct will be rewarded and likewise poor conduct will be punished.
    • 1840, James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder
      when she came to recall the affectionate and natural manner of the young Indian girl, and all the evidences of good faith and sincerity she had seen in her conduct during the familiar intercourse of their journey, she rejected the idea with the unwillingness of a generous disposition to believe ill of others
    • 1848, Thomas Macaulay, The History of England from the Accession of James II
      All these difficulties were increased by the conduct of Shrewsbury.
    • 1711, John Dryden, Tenth Satire (translation from Latin of Juvenal)
      What in the conduct of our life appears / So well designed, so luckily begun, / But when we have our wish, we wish undone?
  4. (of a literary work) plot; storyline
    • c. 1800, Thomas Macaulay, Essays, critical and miscellaneous
      The book of Job, indeed, in conduct and diction, bears a considerable resemblance to some of his dramas.
  5. (obsolete) convoy; escort; person who accompanies another
    • 1599, Ben Jonson, Every Man out of His Humour
      I will be your conduct.
  6. (archaic) Something which carries or conveys anything; a channel; an instrument.


  • (act or method of controlling or directing): control, guidance, management
  • (manner of guiding or carrying oneself): bearing, behavior/behaviour, deportment, demeanor/demeanour,
  • (plot of a literary work): action, plot, storyline

Derived terms



conduct (third-person singular simple present conducts, present participle conducting, simple past and past participle conducted)

  1. (archaic, transitive) To lead, or guide; to escort.
    • 1634, John Milton, Comus
      I can conduct you, lady, to a low / But loyal cottage, where you may be safe.
  2. (transitive) To lead; to direct; to be in charge of (people or tasks)
    The commander conducted thousands of troops.
    to conduct the affairs of a kingdom
    • 1856-1858, William Hickling Prescott, History of the Reign of Phillip II
      the Turks, however efficient they may have been in field operations, had little skill as engineers, and no acquaintance with the true principles of conducting a siege
  3. (transitive) (reflexively to conduct oneself) To behave.
    He conducted himself well.
  4. (transitive) To serve as a medium for conveying; to transmit (heat, light, electricity, etc.)
    • 1975, Clive M. Countryman, Heat-Its Role in Wildland Fire Part 2
      Water and many other liquids do not conduct heat well. Wildland fuels in general, wood, and wood products conduct heat slowly, and so do soil and rocks.
  5. (transitive, music) To direct, as the leader in the performance of a musical composition.
    • 2006, Michael R. Waters with Mark Long and William Dickens, Lone Star Stalag: German Prisoners of War at Camp Hearne
      For a while, Walter Pohlmann, a well-known German conductor, conducted the orchestra in Compound 3. Later, Willi Mets, who had conducted the world-renowned Leipzig Symphony Orchestra, conducted the Compound 3 orchestra.
  6. (intransitive) To act as a conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.); to carry.
  7. (transitive) To carry out (something organized)


  • (lead or guide): accompany, escort, guide, lead, steer, belead
  • (direct): direct, lead, manage, oversee, run, supervise, belead
  • (reflexively: to behave): act, behave, carry on
  • (to serve as a medium for conveying): carry, convey, transmit

Derived terms


conduct From the web:

  • what conducts electricity
  • what conduction
  • what conducts electricity when dissolved in water
  • what conducts heat
  • what conducts electricity the best
  • what conducts electric current in solutions
  • what conduction means
  • what conducts photosynthesis




From Middle English manship (position of honor; respect; courtesy; manly spirit or conduct; humanity; human condition), from Old English manscipe (humanity, courtesy), equivalent to man +? -ship. Cognate with Dutch manschap (homage, manred, crew), German Mannschaft (team, crew, squad, force), Swedish manskap (rank, crew).


  • IPA(key): /?mæn??p/


manship (uncountable)

  1. The characteristic of being a man; maleness; masculinity; manliness; manhood.
    • 1845, Orestes Augustus Brownson, Charles Elwood, p. 161:
      Every man is a man if he chooses to be, and has in himself all that he needs in order to be a man in the full significance of the term; and therefore no one has any occasion to borrow a part of his manship from his brother.
    • 1902, Lebbeus Harding Rogers, The Kite Trust (a Romance of Wealth), p. 324:
      He certainly had nothing to do with the choosing of his manship, any more than his sister had of her womanhood.
    • 2003, Leon Dash, When Children Want Children: The Urban Crisis of Teenage Childbearing, p. 200:
      They were middle-class and, therefore, "had a better attitude towards girls because boys [in Washington Highlands] like beating girls to show their manship.
    • 2007, Kevin P. Novak, Adam Versus Adam, p. 69:
      The manship of Jesus was hid from the eyes of men as completely as the Godship.
  2. (archaic) position of honor or respect; dignity, worthiness
  3. (archaic) honor shown to a person; homage, respect; courtesy
  4. (archaic) manly spirit or conduct; courage, valor, gallantry; chivalry
  5. (archaic) human condition


  • For quotations using this term, see Citations:manship.

Related terms

  • manshiply


  • Shipman, shimpan, shipman

manship From the web:

  • sportsmanship
  • salesmanship
  • gamesmanship
  • housemanship
  • craftsmanship
  • workmanship
  • brinkmanship
  • penmanship

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