different between blighty vs flighty




blighty (plural blighties)

  1. Alternative form of Blighty
    • 1986, Pierre Burton, Vimy, McClelland and Stewart, ?ISBN, p 91:
      With such delights awaiting them only a few miles to the rear, it's no wonder that men prayed for a “blighty” – a small wound that would not incapacitate them for life, but would get them out of the line for a month or even a week. . . . a stray bullet pierced Moore's left foot. Moore cried out, not with pain, but with delight. ¶ “Oh,” he shouted, “it's a beauty, Vic! What a present from the Red Devil! It's a Blighty, I'll bet a dollar.”

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From flight +? -y. Compare Dutch vluchtig (volatile; fleeting; cursory), German flüchtig (volatile; fleeting; momentary; quick), Danish flygtig (elusive; evasive), Swedish flyktig.


  • IPA(key): /?fla?ti/


flighty (comparative flightier, superlative flightiest)

  1. Given to unplanned and silly ideas or actions.
  2. (of a bird) That flies easily or often.
    • 2013, Diego Gil, Henrik Brumm, Avian Urban Ecology
      "We know that flighty birds suffer from greater risk of raptor predation, and I assume that it is useful to understand the effects of urbanization because flighty species may be more vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance."
  3. (obsolete) Swift.


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