different between biannually vs annual




biannual +? -ly


  • IPA(key): /ba??ænju??li?/


biannually (not comparable)

  1. Taking place twice per year, semiannually.
  2. Taking place every two years, biennially.

Usage notes

  • Some authorities report confusion between biennially and biannually. Using "semiannually" may reduce the risk of confusion.


  • semiannually

See also

  • biennially - every two years

biannually From the web:

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  • what does biannual mean
  • what is biannually definition
  • what happens biannually
  • what do biannually means
  • what is biannually in math
  • what does biannual mean in math
  • what does biannual definition




First attested around 1382, borrowed from Late Latin annu?lem, annu?lis, related to Latin ann?lis, adjective form of annus (year). Used to categorize plants since 1710.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /?æn.ju.?l/, /?æn.j?l/
  • (US) IPA(key): /?æn.ju.?l/


annual (not comparable)

  1. Happening once every year.
  2. Of, for, or relating to a whole year, often as a recurring cycle; determined or reckoned by the year; accumulating in the course of a year; performed, executed, or completed over the course of a year. See also circannual.
  3. (botany, of a plant) Having a life cycle that is completed in only one growing season; e.g. beans, corn, marigold. See Annual plant in Wikipedia. Compare biennial, perennial.
  4. (entomology) Living or lasting just one season or year, as certain insects or insect colonies.


  • (in senses 1 and 2): yearly

Derived terms

Related terms

  • biennial
  • perennial


See also

  • per annum


annual (plural annuals)

  1. An annual publication; a book, periodical, journal, report, comic book, yearbook, etc., which is published serially once a year, which may or may not be in addition to regular weekly or monthly publication.
    I read the magazine, but I usually don't purchase the annuals.
  2. (botany) An annual plant; a plant with a life span of just one growing season; a plant which naturally germinates, flowers and dies in one year. Compare biennial, perennial.
    I can't wait to plant my annuals in the spring.
  3. A medical checkup taking place once a year.
    • 1976, Better Homes and Gardens (volume 54, issues 7-12, page 250)
      Some routine annuals take a half hour and cost about $30.
  4. (theater) A pantomime taking place once a year.
    • 1919, Lionel Carson, The Stage Year Book (page 67)
      Excellent work has been done by the Playgoers' Club in connection with its Christmas Pantomime Fund. Thousands of children who possibly otherwise would have little chance of witnessing one of the hardy annuals have been annually taken []
    • 1949, Albert Edward Wilson, The Story of Pantomime (page 61)
      From 1852 until 1888 he was the author of every Drury Lane pantomime, or "Annuals" as in his old fashioned way he preferred to []



Alternative forms

  • annuall, annwall, annowell, annuail


  • (Hawick dialect) IPA(key): /??nw?ull/


annual (not comparable)

  1. annual.

annual From the web:

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  • what annual income is considered middle class
  • what annual income is considered poverty
  • what annual mean
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  • what annual income mean
  • what annual salary is considered rich

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