Cheese Quotes in Deadheads (2011)


Cheese Quotes:

  • [last lines]

    Cheese: NO

  • Patrick Kenzie: Cheese, if you ever disrespect her again like that, I'm gonna pull your fuckin' card, okay? So you're saying you didn't do it, fine. We'll take your money, and we'll be on our way. When it turns out you're lying, I'm gonna spend every nickel of that money to fuck you up. I'm gonna bribe cops to go after you, I'm gonna pay guys to go after your weak fuckin' crew, and I'm gonna tell all the guys I know that you're a C.I. and a rat, and I know a lot of people. And after that, you're gonna wish you listened to me, 'cause your shitty pool hall crime syndicate headquarters is gonna get raided, and your doped-up bitches are gonna get sent back to Laos, and this fuckin' retard right here is gonna be testifying against you for a reduced sentence, while you're gettin' cornholed in your cell by a gang of crackers. 'Cause from what I've heard, the guys that get sent up Concord for killing kids, life's a motherfucker.

    Cheese: [points gun at Kenzie] You come 'round here again, and I'm gonna get discourteous on your ass.

  • Cheese: You got my money, you leave that shit in the mailbox on your ass way out, you feel me? Some other motherfuckers let fool rob on them. I don't play scrimmage. But I don't fuck with no kids. And if that girl only hope is you, well, I pray for her, because she's gone, baby. Gone.

  • Cheese: Bitches love the cheddar.

  • Cheese: I grant you audience. Go.

    Patrick Kenzie: We found what you were looking for in Chelsea.

    Cheese: What I care about Chelsea?

    Patrick Kenzie: Because one of the idiots that robbed you lived there.

    Cheese: What idiot?

    Patrick Kenzie: The one that you and Chris beat with a pipe and shot in the chest.

    Cheese: I don't know nobody getting kill. But if somebody rob me and end up dead... well, you know, life is a motherfucker.

  • [referring to police outside a pool hall]

    Cheese: Get that sausage off my lawn.

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