Charlie Ryan Quotes in No Looking Back (1998)


Charlie Ryan Quotes:

  • Mrs. Ryan: So is this a funny little visit, or are you home for good?

    Charlie Ryan: Nah, don't worry. Don't worry. It's just a little visit.

    Mrs. Ryan: Yeah? What happened? Fired again?

    Charlie Ryan: No. No, this time... this time I quit.

    Mrs. Ryan: [sarcastic] Oh? Good for you.

  • Charlie Ryan: Whatever happened to all that stuff you said you were gonna do? Remember what I used to call you? Cloud-ia? 'Cause you always had your head in the clouds, always talking about getting outta here, seeing some of the world... I mean, what happened to that girl?

    Claudia: I was eighteen years old and I grew up, that's what happened.

  • Charlie Ryan: What's up? Something wrong?

    Claudia: Do you ever think what our lives would be like if we had the baby?

    Charlie Ryan: Yeah... yeah. we'd be miserable.

    Claudia: [scoffs] 'Cause we're just so happy now, huh?

    Charlie Ryan: I'm happy. I'm real happy. Like, Claudia... think about it. If we had kids, we'd be spending every day working hard to feed them, clothe them, put them through school; only for them to tell us to go fuck ourselves when they turn sixteen, y'know? No thanks.

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