Card Player Quotes in The Mercenary (1968)


Card Player Quotes:

  • Ricciolo - 'Curly': [plays two queens] Two ladies...

    [gestures to two women]

    Ricciolo - 'Curly': Plus two more... makes four.

    Card Player: Curly, you must be kidding...!

    Ricciolo - 'Curly': And in case of emergencies, there's this...

    [produces a miniature revolver, prompting the player to hand over his money]

    Ricciolo - 'Curly': Thank you.

  • Worm: [while taking poker chips from Mike at the poker room inside The Mirage casino] let's get started, shall we?

    Taj Dealer: [to worm] I'm sorry sir you can't take chips from another player at the table

    Card Player: [referring to the other rounders at the table, before turning to the player sitting to his right] you know what we all know each other here, we're like friends, so if nobody complains, do you have a problem?

    Card Player: it's alright

    Worm: there's no problem

    Taj Dealer: sir, you have to buy them from me

  • Jim Henry: [Speed is being held hostage by Gandil's thugs] If things don't work out, who gets to do the job on him?

    Card player: We take turns.

    Jim Henry: Uh-uh. This time, I get to do it.

    Speed: That's right; you ain't won one in a while, have you?

    [grins at Jim Henry]

    Speed: He really cleaned your clock, didn't he?

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Characters on The Mercenary (1968)