Wayne Rogers quotes:

  • Everybody thinks about Bo Derek as being this extravagant looking lady but she is also a wonderful actress.

  • There is a big cry in California to stop everyone from running to Canada.

  • Yes, I loved MASH. As we are sitting here now talking, it's playing somewhere in the world.

  • When your in the movie business you have a start date and a stop date.

  • I love to be in the position of not knowing what I'm gonna do, but having rehearsed all of those so when something happens with the others actors I go with whatever that is I'm getting.

  • I'm one of those actors who likes to do it wrong nine ways before I come to the tenth way, which is the way I think it should be.

  • Those differences are what color the performance, but in the movies you don't get a chance to rehearse.

  • People in Hollywood are going make pictures where ever it's the least expensive to make them.

  • The rehearsal is where it all happens for an actor.

  • You're in the public eye and you just hope that people don't come up and interrupt you while your in the middle of a meal or a conversation or something like that.
