Tom Hackett quotes:

  • Each day is what you make it, so why not make it the best day ever

  • Unspeakable Joy is known only by those who only speak from the Heart.

  • Be yourself and nothing more...know yourself and nothing more is needed.

  • When we are honorable in the small things each day, we eventually become honorable in all things in life.

  • As the creator of the Universe, God uses the love of all to paint the tapestry of our world as He would have it .... our loving Hearts are his humble servants.

  • The renewal and beauty of nature is awesome to behold, but the magnificent beauty and power of the pristine Soul is beyond the expression of mere words.

  • Love is the passion of Life that marks the journey to our true destination.

  • One simple kindness toward another person can be the seed that paves the way for them to set their life's course on a path that creates more positive changes in the world than we could ever hope to make in many lifetimes.

  • Reason is the ten mile marker on the journey of a hundred miles. Faith is the compass that points the way.

  • The path is long, narrow and treacherous, but if we keep our Heart and Soul in balance, the way is sure.

  • As the pen is to the scribe, love is the language of the heart.

  • Love is a rhythm of the Heart that often uses no words, yet speaks so eloquently to the soul

  • Courage is not the absence of fear...courage is taking action in the face of it.Be courageous, stand up for what you believe in. If you expect to be true to others, you must first be true to yourself.

  • In any facet of life, your potential is always equal to the strength of your desire.

  • The natural flow of the Universe is designed to always take us to our place of learning; sometimes painful, sometimes joyful but always the place that gives us needed experience and wisdom

  • When we water our garden with kindness, caring, compassion and Love, we will be amazed at what blooms in our lives.

  • A kindness given is a kindness received...who knows where the ripples stop.

  • There are many roads that lead to a happy joyful life but two of the most useful are called kindness and compassion".

  • Experience is simply another name for the accumulation of all the mistakes we have made in our lifetime. Lesson after lesson we seek our obtainable level of wisdom and move forward.
