Swami Dhyan Giten quotes:

  • Love never ends.

  • A good man cares about others. A good man has not only selfish desires. He is not only centered in himself. A bad man has no concern for others. He has only selfish concerns. He is centered in his own world.

  • The human heart operates from two premises: I Am Responsible and Only Love Works.

  • The inner woman is the source of healing. The inner woman is the source of silence. The inner woman is the source of love. The inner woman is the source of belongingness with life. Embracing the inner man and woman is to discover our inner roots and wings.

  • Despite 2000 years of evolution in modern times, we have still not managed to develop the intelligence to create a society that knows what love is. Our society is still not a civilization, it is still primitive and barbaric.

  • The reason that people start wars is because they still believe in their separation from life. But when you experience the wholeness with all living beings, you understand that hurting somebody else is just hurting yourself as we are all one on the spiritual level.

  • The most precious gift that you can give to the child is unconditional love and acceptance, which allows the child to discover his own inner being, his authentic self, his freedom to be himself.

  • Deep within ourselves, we find the inner being, the inner source of love, which is our true nature. Love is the only reality, because only love works.

  • The inner emptiness is the door to God.

  • In the depth of our heart, we already know that we are perfect as we are. In the depth of our inner being, we already know that life is perfect as it is.

  • Love makes you feel at home in existence.

  • Acceptance is to love and embrace everything that we find within ourselves like a mother embraces her child.

  • A child comes from God, a child is a gift from God, but a child is not our possession. Give the child unconditional love and freedom. Respect the child, the child has its own soul. The child has its own way.

  • Give the child a taste of meditation by creating a climate and atmosphere of love, acceptance and silence.

  • When we stop judging others and ourselves, our heart begins to open.

  • Your heart is the roots to God.Your heart is nourished by truth, by God, but you have forgotten the heart.Come back to the heart, and you will be able to know the truth.You will be able to know the truth as the truth and the false as the false.

  • God is the soul of the universe.

  • When we are, love is not.When we are not, love is.

  • The heart is the door to our inner woman. The heart is the door to our inner world. The power chakra relates to the inner man. The power chakra relates to the outer world. Irrespective of if we are a man or a woman, the inner woman is the center of our consciousness.

  • To be able to die consciously, we need to prepare for death while we are still living.

  • Only if we live consciously, we can die consciously.

  • The hardest time in this world is for the sensitive and intelligent people.

  • Every loving word and action create a far reaching ripple effect - like the waves of the ocean.

  • To attain to enlightenment is to attain to all. When you are not, you become the whole.

  • The mother is the child's first relationship, his whole world, his existence. If there is love in the relationship between the child and the mother, the child learns to trust himself, to trust others and to trust life. If there is no love in the relationship between the mother and the child, the child learns to distrust himself, to distrust others and to distrust life.

  • When you come to the ultimate experience in meditation, when you come to your deepest core, you are no one. You are a vast emptiness.You can become afraid in meditation, because the deeper you go in meditation, the more you realize that you are nobody, a nothingness. It is a death of the ego. That is why people become afraid of meditation.

  • The deepest realization of meditation is that your being is a non-being. It is a nothing, a vast emptiness without boundaries. It is a no-self. The feeling of self, of I is false.

  • The human heart is a healer, which heals both others and ourselves.

  • Only a meditator is able to die consciously as life is an opportunity to prepare for death. Meditation is a death, a death of the ego.

  • Wars are an outdated way to try to solve conflicts, which is unacceptable in the 21st century. Instead of trying to conquer yourself, wars are an unconscious way to try to conquer life. Wars are an unconscious way to try to conquer death, which is the basic fear in the West.

  • A spiritual man is happy with the whole existence. He says "yes" to the whole existence.

  • God is not a person, God is the underlying consciousness in Existence.

  • Try as a meditation, to be with a stone, a flower or a tree, and you will find that they have consciousness. If you become friend with a tree, you will find that the tree will welcome you as a friend. The tree will be happy to see you.

  • The current climate change is an outer mirror of our inner consciousness. It is an outer mirror of our attitude to try to conquer nature, instead of being in harmony with nature, but in the end the part can never conquer the whole.

  • When we develop the heart chakra, we begin to influence the surroundings with our spiritual presence. When we develop the communication chakra, we begin to influence the country with our spiritual presence. When we develop the seventh chakra, we begin to influence the world with our spiritual presence without doing anything.

  • Intuition is to develop a trust in yourself, and to the silent whisperings of your heart. If you trust yourself, you can trust others, you can trust existence.

  • Our heart is the door to allowing Existence to guide us.

  • Only when the seeker is lost, the truth is there. Seek, and you will miss. Seek not, and you will find. The very seeking becomes a barrier to truth, to the ultimate experience.

  • When something happens to you that is beyond words, life is happening to you. When the Ultimate is happening to you, you are beyond words.

  • Nobody ever reaches to God, God comes to you when you are open and receptive, when you are ready.

  • In love, you can sometimes feel a melting and merging with the other person, and the two becomes one. The physical bodies are still separate, but something beyond the bodies creates a oneness. It opens a spiritual dimension.

  • The deepest realization of meditation is that your being is a non-being. It is a nothing, a vast emptiness without boundaries. It is a no-self. The feeling of self, of "I" is false.

  • Fear and hate create separation, love and joy creates belongingness and wholeness.

  • There is a very simple relationship between increased socioeconomic rifts in the society and increased violence, criminality, war, increased lack of trust between people, health problems and social exclusion - but it seems to be very difficult for people to understand this simple relationship.

  • Our outer relationships are a mirror of the relationship and communication between our own inner male and female sides. Our outer relationships with a man or a woman are a possibility to understand our own inner man or woman.

  • Presence is to meet another person in meditation. Presence is to invite another person in meditation. It is a meeting in love, joy, acceptance, sincerity, truth, silence and oneness.

  • When we are authentic, when we act out of presence and awareness, it also gives nourishment to the inner being of people around us.

  • Society destroys your individuality, your soul.
