Shane McCrae quotes:

  • I wanted to be a composer for a while, and for a while, and maybe still, I found writing music much easier than writing poetry. So maybe my brain clings to it.

  • I was just thinking about how my grandparents, who raised me, would be considered "white trash," whatever that means - mostly for being racists, I'd say. And how, as a child, I wanted to be like them, and identified with them culturally.

  • A white noise app wouldn't work for me - I would be too distracted by the non-white noise noises I could still hear, even more distracted than i would otherwise be. So I have to just accept the regular noises.

  • I actually can't listen to music and write poetry at the same time, but I do kind of think about the music I've been listening to when I write.

  • I just can't write and listen to music at the same time.

  • I learned to write with my desk in the living room, next to the TV. But mostly in my head, and I try to be able to do it under any circumstances.

  • There's no such thing as an animal too big too kill, AND we're cornered by such animals every day.

  • I do believe in Jesus as wholly God and wholly human, and I believe the human part was human.

  • I don't know that I find either aspect of Jesus more interesting than the other, although maybe I think about the God one more.

  • I had/have a habit of sending books out before they're ready. And then I edit with almost absurd intensity. But I've done about a book a year.

  • I like having a phrase lying around to get poems started. It's like having a key.

  • I think about the body kind of all the time, being as how I'm really uncomfortable in mine.

  • I think I cause a lot of headaches for editors - it's impossible to keep up with the ridiculous amount of changes I make.

  • I'm always glad that other people are way smarter about my poems than I am.
