Sadiq Khan quotes:

  • How is it having more control if there are businesses from China, India, America choosing Germany and France over London?

  • How is it having more control if you have less money in your pocket as Martin Lewis Moneysaving expert says?

  • Leaving the EU isn't the answer to Britain's problems.

  • How is it having more control if there is double the immigration as there would be under an Australian style points system?

  • How is it having more control if we have a recession as the Bank of England and IFS say?

  • I think to suggest that somehow Muslims aren't welcome in the USA, to suggest somehow that being a Muslim is incompatible with being western, unintentionally plays into the hand of Daesh and so-called Isis.

  • There is no doubt that we need to manage migration better.Migrants are always getting the blame for politicians.

  • Greedy bankers trashing the economy are to blame, not migrants.

  • How is it having more control if there are young people stifled the opportunities that we had?

  • I am backing Remain for a very simple reason: it is the best way of protecting jobs, wages and rights for working people.

  • The worst thing for worker's is their bosses business going out of business.
