Renee Lawless quotes:

  • If the chaos is overwhelming, I start making lists. To write it down puts it in perspective.

  • Although every pain has different degrees of importance, I go through all of the emotions - from crying, anger, bitterness, anxiety, etc. Feel it all. But by the end of the day, I am on my knees in prayer. The next day, I get up refreshed and begin to let it go.

  • I am always frustrated when I see situations that could have been handled simpler.

  • I am going to die someday and I know where I am going.

  • I cannot do my job unless I am fully open to whatever comes. You're almost naked emotionally.

  • I have empathy towards bullying. Not about punishing the bully but empowering the victim. We have a tendency to use the word "bully" and other words in the wrong situations, thus desensitizing and lessening the impact of the true situation.

  • I think not having a routine is what keeps me centered. I only have a routine when I am working.

  • Not to say "trophies" aren't wonderful, but they should not be your driving force.

  • The work is more important than the reward.

  • We live in a reward-centered society. When I was a child, my father used to say, "It's not whether you win or lose but how well you play the game." I used to think that was about sports, but as an adult, I realize what I create, do, etc., is more important than winning a prize.
