Raheel Farooq quotes:

  • Present, rather than past, is the mother of future. So, your future must take after your present. But if it resembles more your past, the granny must be a slut!

  • Couples tend to think that being single is always singular. Singles tend to believe that being a couple is always copulatory.

  • Men marry. Women wed.

  • Revenge is possible only if you spare the enemy.

  • Runner up is champion of the losers.

  • Falsehood of a good man is better than truth of a bad one.

  • A man of character can have what a man of intellect can imagine.

  • We talk what we think but do what we believe.

  • Live to ask. Die to answer.

  • The only satisfactory thing about death is that our knowledge about it is unsatisfactory.

  • Moods are adjectives of the grammar of life.

  • Will is intention favored by emotions.

  • Thoughts are ghosts of emotions.

  • Intelligence is to spot paradoxes. Wisdom is to live by them.

  • Evolution is more about adaptivity than adaptability.

  • The fate of man does not chase him as much as he chases his fate.

  • That which does not come by logic, does not leave by logic.

  • The problem with human race is not that it errs, but that it does so repetitively.

  • Nature evaluates a character on the basis of its merits, not demerits.

  • Do not judge a man by where he stands, but how he reached there.

  • A successful father is not more successful than his children.

  • A mind can be empty of thoughts but a heart cannot be void of feelings.

  • Everyone is born with a different mind and the same heart.

  • The duty imposed on intellect by Life is not to suppress, but purify emotions.

  • A good judge is not one who is impartial, but one who has prejudice for good.

  • Man is meant for good but designed for evil.

  • Everyone knows that evil should be avoided wherever possible; few actually know where it is possible.

  • Reason is an outcome of frailty and resentment. When Will fails to cope with the labour of life, or the life of labour, its fragile remnants are set to construct a slighter world of justifications.

  • Knowledge cannot be maintained without character.

  • I'd love to be what I have been.

  • Paradoxes are less paradoxical in their reference to truth than most of the most plausible axioms.

  • Imagination is thinking beyond language.

  • Desire is a great virtue, but expectation is an even greater vice.

  • Encouraging virtue is better than suppressing vice.

  • Man is weak. Purpose makes him strong.

  • Being and not being are not two different realities, but two different aspects of the same reality.

  • We know the value of a blessing when we don't have it. But we only know the value of knowledge when we have enough of it.

  • Consider an achievement accidental if it is not coupled with modesty. Because if the achiever had endeavoured for it, it would certainly have killed their pride.

  • Everything that glitters more than gold is not gold.

  • That which is worth telling is not worth having.

  • The biggest challenge for human mind is human mind.

  • Peace, love and beauty are goals shared by every human heart. The question is whether our minds recognize them as such.

  • Women prefer speaking to talking.

  • A beautiful girlfriend is worth two more.

  • Ignorance binds people tighter than culture.

  • Truth can conquer but only beauty can rule.

  • Predictability is not how things will go, but how they can go.

  • Humans are one, not divided, but multiplied into many.

  • The intelligent have plans; the wise have principles.

  • Life feels good if you don't know what it is.

  • Colours are nature gone wild.

  • Children are prophets of nature.

  • One mistake cannot justify another.

  • We seldom make logical mistakes, but often have mistaken logics.
