Rachel Trachtenburg quotes:

  • I like The Beatles and I like The Kinks and I like The Rolling Stones and I like Led Zeppelin and I like Black Sabbath.

  • As an adult, I think I wanna be living in New York City and help a lot of homeless people and try to become vegan and maybe be a band with some good friends and be making a living and be happy with how much money I have.

  • I think bootlegging is kinda cool.

  • Hi. I'm Rachel Trachtenburg. I'm the daughter and the drummer for the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players.

  • I like lots of color and mix-and-match.

  • I like New York better than Seattle. It's bigger. I was really sad when I left, because I miss my friends, but I call them almost every day, and I have friends here now.

  • I'm learning to play piano. And also the musical saw.

  • My dad played in different clubs and open mic nights. But he mostly walked dogs. A lot of dogs.

  • If I walk down the street in jeans and a plain t-shirt, I don't feel like the world sees me as I want to be seen or as what I am.

  • It's fun hitting on the drums and singing songs.

  • It's really fun and just to be with a friend while you're working really hard. It can sometimes be really stressful. Also it's just fun to have someone to laugh with and have a good time with.

  • My dad wrote a song about the people in the slides. I started playing harmonica. I was only six.
