Peter R. Grant quotes:

  • Thus mating of females was strictly along the lines of paternal song.

  • Males transmit signals in courtship through behavioral displays.

  • Almost nothing is known from hybridization studies about the inheritance of courtship behavior of females, or of their responsiveness to particular male signals.

  • Plumage features constitute a major component of courtship signals.

  • To summarize, the particular song a male sings, and the behavioral responses of females to song and morphological signals, are not genetically inherited in a fixed manner but are determined by learning early in life.

  • Islands are known to differ in the food supply available to ground finches, mainly seeds.

  • Genes that underlie the capacity to receive, use and transmit information are the evolving properties.

  • Exchange of breeding individuals between two populations tends to homogenize their gene pools.

  • The independent role of morphology in mate choice is revealed by the rare instances where the usual association between song and morphology is disrupted.

  • Species can be recognized by their morphological characteristics and songs.

  • Closely related species of birds are also chromosomally similar.

  • We observe closely related species in sympatry and infer how they evolved from a common ancestor.

  • The divergence of songs in the new population away from those in the progenitor population would only be prevented if these processes were balanced by repeated immigration and subsequent breeding: song flow.

  • Thus the genetic basis to the origin of bird species is to be sought in the inheritance of adult traits that are subject to natural and sexual selection.

  • The theory of founder effects does not explain how novel features like plumage traits arise.

  • The process of speciation is completed with the cessation of genetic exchange.
