Leigh Hershkovich quotes:

  • We sit together in the waiting room of one existence, waiting to be shuffled into the waiting room of the next. Not the existence of another lifetime, simply a different mindset, a different age, purpose, exile and a separate redemption. A separate world in which to wait.

  • He focused on the world before him; the illusions and the mysteries of the future haunted his eyes.

  • Answer me this: Is love rational? Is it sane? Can it be tamed and sculpted, like a piece of clay? Of course it can't.

  • Instead of channeling passion through my fingertips, I summoned the courage to channel it through my eyes.

  • The next time that something seemingly bad happens to you, look for the divine in it. Look for the soul in the mundane, every day occurrences of your life. Look for the spark, look for the light.

  • I am only doing this because I was asked. They tell me that, sometime in the future, I will thank them for pushing me this way. They say that one day, when all this is over, I will come to terms with who I am and where I came from. Not gonna happen.

  • We weren't perfect for each other- I knew that then as much as I know it now- but we worked together around our problems, mainly avoiding them, though to us that was the best way. We snuck around our problems like criminals in the night. But, aren't we all criminals in love?

  • I don't know where I am- somewhere between heaven and hell, a place of utter terror and endless confusion.
